Just for kicks and grins because of this thread, I tried to think up a name. I got nothing. I have never named a car or assigned it a gender. It's not a dig at anyone who does. I just apparently lack the creativity to be able to think up car names. Blame it on the years of canine rescue and being burned out on having to come up with names.
K car? Ha, I'm kidding. Sounds good to me. If someone is inspired enough to name it, I think that's nice and am willing to go with it. So thanks!
Looks nice! That color, with beige interior, was our 'first' choice, but none could be found, so we settled for our 'second' choice, silver/light gray.
I just called it Red until last week, when I had to repair another driver's trangressions with some touch up paint. Mine's a C, and the paint code is 3P0. The obvious name is new to my car, but it comes from a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
I call mine "Betty Joe" after my stepmother. A kind to everyone she meets, southern lady environmentalist person who grows a sustainable vegetable garden every year and cans them for the winter. But if the hammer needs to come down she has as much torque as anyone you'll meet. I have a '57 Tweed Fender Champ guitar amp named "Maude" after my grandmother (think Joe Walsh on "Life's Been Good", same amp). A little unassuming box loaded with attitude...just like my car...stepmother and grandmother.
Yup. Got a beater highway one Strat that has beaten out every American Standard I have ever owned. Bought it for next to nothing. I've bought and sold scores of them and so far, this one is my keeper.