I did a search and found threads on general impressions, issues with, and arguments about the value of this feature, but I just need help figuring out how to get it to work and I've found conflicting information online so I'm hoping somebody here with experience can chime in. - Does the car need to be in a particular state when the button is pushed (i.e. in park with car ON)? - Once initiated will it stay on and work when parked day after day until the button is pushed off? - Is there any way to know its on (other than locking myself in a 100 degree car for 15minutes)? The car is almost 3 months old and I've only once noticed it working and that was a couple months ago when it was 75F degrees out. I'm in Texas and we're getting up towards 90F now. When I come out to the car after work I would think the odds would be that I would occasionally catch it running, but that hasn't happened yet. I guess I should take it in to Toyota to check it out, but want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong first.
Good question. We have the solar roof on our less than a month old Prius, and I too am baffled by it. It seems to come on, when it wants. The other day,, I was parked in the full shade of our garage, car shut off, and the vent fan came on. I was like,, ah, well, i guess thats the solar vent working??? Too lazy to look it up in the manual... I have come to the car in a parking lot, and gotten in it, to hear and feel the vent fan running too! But it does not seem to work all the time... My wife Has to HAVE her sun roof, the solar came with the sunroof, so it really was not something we were looking for.
- All windows & sunroof must be closed. - Once initiated it stays on until you push the button again. When operating you can hear the fan running quietly as you approach the car and there will be air coming out of the vents when you enter the car. I rather like the remote A/C start from the keyfob on hot days.
Also, when in less than full sun, the audible fan noise will cycle on and off with a fairly short cycle period. The partial light will create enough solar panel voltage to start the fan, but not enough current to keep it going, so it shuts down again.
Might be thermostat cycling fan on and off on a partially sunny day. Fan only runs when a certain air temperature is reached in the cabin. Should find specs for fan in the owner's manual someplace.
What I'm hearing is much too quick for a thermostat. In partial shade, the solar panels are not producing enough power to keep the fan running. In full sun, the fan stays on.
Windows DO NOT have to be closed. I have the side plastic window thingys on Pearl S and leave both front windows down about an inch (actually 2-3 cm as we don't have inches in Canada). I also had the sunroof tilted open today and the fan ran. With the car running or in "ready", press in the switch. Turn off the car. Leave or stay. In a few minutes the fan will start if the solar panel is in the sun and the outside temp is above some limit. Mine was running today and it's around 20-25C (70 to 75F). If you approach the car in this state, and open the door, put your hand over the dash vent closest to the drivers door. You should feel a fairly strong breeze coming out of it. It's outside air, but a little warmer as it gets heated in the ducting. The fan will shut off if you put the car in "ready". Then you have to use the A/C system to get air flowing.
Great, I'll go out in a bit and follow that process for turning it on and then check on it in an hour when I leave work. Seriously though...no dash light to indicate its on??
No dash indication, other than the breeze blowing through the dash vents and a fairly quiet fan noise heard from the front cowl at the bottom of the windshield. My solar fan seems to go off shortly after I open the door and move inside the car.
Update. The critical temp for the fan to run is around or just under 20C outside air temp. Today (morning) it was right on the edge, and the fan would start up then shut off, then start up, etc. I was sitting in the car waiting and was listening to it turn on and off. Sky was clear and the sun was "beating" on the panel at all times. Oh, and both front side windows were down 3 cm and the sunroof was at max. tilt but not slid back.
No, there's no light. What I did was put a small piece of yellow tape across the switch opening such that when the switch is in (on position) you can see the yellow, and when it's out (off) you can't. The key is that the switch has to be 'on' when you turn the car off. Everything else (roof position, windows open/closed) is irrelevant. You will notice if you turn the car off with the roof open that the car beeps as a warning, but there's nothing to tell you that the roof being left open is the reason for the beep.
I noticed yesterday that when I went out and opened booth the drivers door, and passenger door, left them wide open to cool the car as my wife was "still getting ready". Like 5 min. latter, I came back out to the car, (both doors still wide open), sat down, and noticed the solar vent was still working- blowing air! So it will continue to work -- even with the doors open! Pretty nice i think! My only thought is if that vent fan is on, for hours n hours everyday while you are at work,, wont that fan motor give out much sooner?
Since my last post my area has received 4" of rain and it could be nearly a week before the sun comes out again. I'll reply back as soon as mother nature cooperates.
To add to someone above this morn with the temp in mid 60s and high humidity under overcast skies the fan turned on briefly but off again, probably due to low sun. But the weird part was the car was in acc mode with the radio playing
OK, so it was up to 92F yesterday and quite clear and today is going to be the same. I turned the system on as I was pulling into work yesterday morning and it was crazy hot in the car when I left for home at 6pm. I decided to just sit there to see if I was just happening to come at the wrong part of the cycle (i assume it runs for a while and then recharges for a while). Anyway, about a minute later I noticed a really faint noise like that of a motor/fan spooling up. It ramped up for like 7-8 seconds and then there was a click sound and it sounded like it lost power and spooled down. This repeated 3 or 4 times on what seemed to be a nearly 1 minute cycle. Is that what some of you are hearing? It was really quiet. It wasn't until it did it twice that I was convinced I wasn't imagining it. Guess I'm going to have to take it in. I'll be ready for my 5K oil change and tire rotation in about 5 weeks...hate to wait that long though.
It runs constantly if there is enough sun and it's warm enough. You can feel the air coming out the dash vents by the windows if you have them open. I can even feel it on my face, 2 feet away as I get in the car. I say again, the vents by the windows on the dash must be open, not closed. As far as making a really big difference in how cool the interior is, I don't notice that. It's probably a little cooler.
That sounds like what I hear in partial sun. About what was the angle of the sun to the panel? At 6 pm, the sun should be getting lower, reducing solar panel output. Strongest output is when the panel is pointing squarely at the sun, which is impossible at my latitude on level ground.
DING DING DING! I've never gone out mid-day to check on it. The sun is high ATM so I went out and it wasn't running, but 30 seconds later the sun came out from behind a little cloud and it spooled up and was blowing air right in my face. I totally misunderstood how this thing works. I thought it had a battery and stored up energy and then ran a while before shutting down until the battery was full again. Nope. The moment a cloud breaks the path it shuts down or slows to a useless level. When the sun breaks thru it immediately starts running full throttle again. At some point between now and 6pm the angle will be too shallow and it won't run at all. Fairly useless overall for me. The car is a reasonable temp thru mid-day, but can't run during the hottest part when I actually re-enter the vehicle each day. Guess it will help some during mid-day weekend errands, but kind of disappointing. I need to make more effort to remember to start the remote AC before I start locking up all the doors to leave. Or does the remote AC only work in full sun too?