Ah, well, I suppose it would depend on your definition of --USA ONLY--. It must have changed while I wasn't looking. It used to mean company, now I suppose it means built. Or does it mean parts, but no car is made with all US made parts any more, either. Oh well, whatever.
Well enjoy the Legacy! It's a great car and hopefully we'll see you back here within the decade . lol That drop down was meant for US owners only (hence USA ONLY). That was the title of the drop down menu
A Prius can hold its own in autocross. On the timed runs of this year's 21st century Automotive Challenge my Prius turned in the 2nd fastest time being narrowly beaten by a biodiesel Jetta. Afterwards the course opened up to fun runs with the SCCA members and their cars. A common refrain was, "You were beaten by a Jetta AND A PRIUS". If you're in the State College area next year you're welcome to participate.
25 year old young professional here. Grew up and traded in 270 HP and $70 on gas per week for $30 biweekly. I don't see myself ever. going. back.
Fuzzy1 i dont understand what your saying about the usa model thing but I love all subaru's... I just felt the prius didnt have a soul... it real drove rather pourly... understeer... slow... rattled... jarring over bumps... it was so soft around corners too... and rain... literially awful... sorry I really am but It was really reliable and great mpg's... but I made a person really happy selling that car for 6k... seriously good deal and she said "it was her dream car" and she said she just couldnt afford any other similar year prius's... so there I was selling a car asap for my dream car... Ill own this car till im dead... really if it gets totaled ill buy it back from the insurance company... but the moral of the story is that I made someone really happy and help someone become one of you guys and ironicially they got rid of there subaru to buy this car lol... they live in vermont though... the esp stops that car if it loses traction in the snow ... LITERIALLY STOPS THE CAR!!! I hated that!!!! pulling out of somewhere and just stopping... it tried to kill me so many times... My car doesnt even has esp!!!!!win... but yes Dr Pepperholik my grammer isnt good and I love the little faces and miscrms 92x aero's omg sleepers...and alot of really euro cars hu I dig it and to others talking about mustangs and fuzzy1 with the z28... got to love those cars and if i lived somewhere were snow wasnt I would buy one but I really need awd... and ill never be a comformist... just saying... I will own a 911 carrera and ill own that for ever as well...
I don't understand how a person can make it through high school with such poor grammar skills. Is there no hope for future generations? Has technology spoiled kids these days? I'm utterly baffled. You don't need AWD to drive in snow. At least not from my experience. I've never had an AWD car and driven in snow before. Here it's the ice you have to worry about. Well, there was one time I needed the AWD in a Sportage I borrowed from Dad while my car was getting fixed. I couldn't get up my driveway without the AWD.
and wow JimN... your a boss... and RXgolfer I lived $20 biweek and now $40 a week... I really could care less... money is an object... my time when im young is priceless... and I felt the car was holding me back! because I literially had the car filled with girls last saturday/sunday...<subie4life and that night/next day wouldnt have happened if I had the prius....not to sound like a jerk but really... It helps having a sick car ... that also has leather... and heated seats...and a sunroof...and a sound system that isnt crap... I was going to get a 330I bmw but the responsible side of me kick in and said how much is a window regulator or any other random parts... ahh subaru=less expensive okay and Im prietty handy id like to think and It might help that my dads a lvl5 Viper and cummins tech so... no maintence costs besides parts ... everyone is jelly that my cars a stick too...and think it sounds nasty as well... subie... come on you guys want a fast subie now... or again for some of you
Pffft, lightweight. I had to learn how to handle snow on the road in a '79 Chevette four speed. Thank goodness for the prior experience around the farm in an old '51 Chevy truck with three speed on the column. My parents really hated me. "It was good enough for your sisters and it's good enough for you." Ain't nobody had time for no AWD. Or air conditioning, for that matter. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shake my cane and chase some kids off my lawn. (I am teasing. I don't care what anyone else drives or why. Rock on.)
Wow. I would've loved an 07 Prius. My parents gave me an 8 year old 1980 Chevy Citation... The FIRST GM front wheel drive car, so you can figure out how reliable it was... Best part was, if I left the keys in the ignition, I could reach up through the hole in the floor board and get them out! When I met my future wife, she was driving a Tundra. Now she drives an 07 Prius! She will never go back. Forty bucks a month in fuel. Can't beat it! Someday, when you are struggling to get by, you'll think about the money you had. Question. Why come here to tell us?
Yep had someone texting slam into the back of my 07 a few years back. Ended up having back surgery over it.
I think the word is out that we'll fall for any nonsense post over here at PC. Its trolling for sure.
Good question. It seems he created a new account and posted this as his first post. Interesting to know why.
Love Subies too, but they are not cheap to maintain and require tune ups every 30k miles, which are not cheap, then you got the timing belt at 105k miles, and the worry of head gasket issues as you pass 100k miles. Fun cars when new, but expensive when they age. I only buy TOYOTA OR SUBARU, but now as a Prius owner, its hard to buy anything else, so cheap to own.
One neighbor's kids here make fun of my Prius too but there rednecks. Redneck parents teach there kids to be rednecks.
Ha, meanwhile one of my redneck friends drives a Prius, and his redneck son's first car was their old Prius. They still have a big Dodge Ram truck, though, so they don't lose too much redneck cred. (Redneck is kind of a badge of honor around here.)