Hmmmm? Someone in SF is exposing the wild 'Truth' about Tesla, and it includes 'anal itching' [w/video]
Maybe someone should write a similar list for the traditional auto industry, to also stick on folk's windshields. But that would require a major book, not a small flyer.
I literally donkey-snorted when I read this part: Psychographic, demographic and marketing studies have been published showing that Tesla drivers have a higher-than-average inclination toward drugs, strange sexual behavior and risk. Could this account for the number of Tesla crashes and deaths? Prius-- all missionary all the time. I don't know what those pervert Tesla drivers are doing. I would love to see those customer satisfaction surveys. That whole thing was just really... bizarre. And humorous!
Big oil is striking back with a smear campaign. I'm glad Prius is not a target anymore. I was tired with the smug Prius driver thing that apparently went viral in this nation.
I used to know a guy, a nutcase activist, whose flyers he posted on things (walls, lamp posts, business doors, anything) were formatted exactly like that one. Have any of those flyers been showing up in Illinois?
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein Read more at
Big Oil isn't behind this. It's just some deluded nut job looking for attention since the birther movement died. Now, if "he" posts this on a "fill in the blanks" web page we could all join in the fun: "By driving a Chevy you are involved in organized crime. GM bribed congress people and federal staff to get funding using your tax money..."
It's not just big oil. Tesla is also challenging the status quo with the automotive dealership associations. Imagine, people would like to buy cars without being forced to spend three to five hours doing business with a greedy and inept salesman.
Maybe this was put out anonymously by Jeremy Clarkston, after the BBC told him this week he would be fired if he makes an offensive remark "anywhere, anytime." This is in response to him reading an unaired rhyme he muttered the N-word. Of course, he seems to have the knack to offend nearly everybody, see BBC News - Jeremy Clarkson: BBC gave me final warning and 7 Other Times Jeremy Clarkson Definitely Wasn't Saying Anything Remotely Outrageous (VIDEO) So maybe he wrote it as an outlet.
I love the first bullet point. "Lithium ion batteries blow up if they get wet or bumped. They have already burned planes, cars, homes & children." It is lucky that normal cars use gasoline, which has never, ever, ever been a factor in a fire.
Lead acid batteries like the starter battery in all cars will release chlorine gas if they get we with sea water. Chlorine gas was used as a weapon. So all cars rolling around near the sea are potential WMDs.
Has anyone driven a Cadillac lately? If you get too close to another vehicle, the driver's seat vibrates the seat of your pants - no kidding. Sorry, this feature is not on the Tesla.
This is a ploy by Cadillac to gain more female drivers. LOL A similar feature is on the Rolls Royce where the steering wheel starts to vibrate
Psychographic, demographic and marketing studies have been published showing that Tesla drivers have a higher-than-average inclination toward drugs, strange sexual behavior and risk. Could be I'm driving the wrong car???
No. Since there is a Lithium Battery in both your car and key, you are fully invested in the "risk" area. Just don't bump anything.