I owned an 07 for many years. Never remember seeing that option. I don't think it is built into the BT stack. Just phone. And, the voice commands are unusable. They are totally frustrating, don't even bother.
You can also use a Bluetooth to 3.5" dongle (typically powered by USB, which you can use a portable USB battery charger/pack). I found one on eBay that works reasonably well (they look like a USB memory stick but with a 3.5" at the end). The only issue I've run into is with ground loops, where there's a slight hum when connecting a 12V-to-USB charger. Choosing the right charger might help, although I've used a USB battery pack that avoids the problem since it runs off of batteries. The downside is around device control--since it is just an AUX device, you can't change tracks, pause or otherwise control the iPhone from the steering wheel.
As far as relatively inexpensive solutions, I'm pretty happy with a Kinivo BTC-450 used with a PAC 3.5mm ground loop isolator. This setup is less intrusive than the last one I tried, an FM Transmitter GOgroove FLEXSmart X2. While both work effectively, it was easier to put the microphone closer with the Kinivo in this car.
Which voice commands are unusable? Are you referring to the built in Prius G2 voice commands on the Touring / T Spirit versions? I use them to great effect - in fact, I need to take more advantage of their existence :-D
Just dropped my '07 off for a new 12v battery and some minor work; got a loaner for the weekend, a spiffy new Camry. Which had a sun/moon roof, and built-in BT connectivity (and steering wheel /dashboard control) of my iPhone during music playback and phone use--both features I've long coveted -- so it was like a dream come true! While I love my '07, and will probably drive it until the wheels fall off, how I'd love to slip into a newer hybrid (with a sunroof, and the BT features, etc.) after spending the weekend with that Camry loaner! My solution for streaming music via BT (from an iPhone 5 today), was a cheap BT receiver accessory (about $20?) from a big-box store. It plugs into the mini-jack inside the center armrest, and I also got a 2-slot USB adapter for the power outlet located inside the armrest -- so the BT receiver can stay permanently plugged in/powered there (though the BT has an internal rechargeable battery also) and if I need to, I can also charge my iPhone (or another device) in the 2nd USB slot at the same time. The instructions with the BT receiver weren't awesome, and so the first 'synch' took several minutes to figure out, but it has been trouble free since then. As Slimothy says above, this method only provides streaming -- it doesn't grant control over your music player -- you still have to operate the player manually whenever needed (track change, etc.) But I'm pretty content to just put the iPhone on shuffle in one of my favorite Playlists, for roadtrips. I'd also previously purchased a in-line noise filter accessory years ago, back when I was powering my ancient iPod off the armrest's power port and the audio hum was terrible. With the better battery life on my iPhone (vs. the old iPod) I seldom need to power the iPhone from the power port, so the filter doesn't come into play anymore -- but I keep the old iPod in the armrest (for those rare times I forget to take my iPhone to the car.)
Not sure how useful a suggestion this will be, given that it's not the cheapest solution one could imagine, but I've long used my Pebble smartwatch to control audio on my phone in situations like that. Pebble's built-in Music app gives you album, track and artist info (even for some third-party apps), and play/pause and skip functions.
I don't have an aux-in port in my 2005 — but my wife does in her minivan. Do those work? If so, it's something I'm definitely going to look into for her.
If you find the audio hum present, while powering a music player from the car's power port, then an in-line filter should help. (When I ran my iPod off its own internal battery alone, just audio cable connected to the AUX-in jack, I had little-to-no hum to deal with; powering the player from the car really ratcheted up the humming.)
I have an '07 Prius, package #4, JBL stereo, no NAV. The only time the voice command button seems to do anything is when the phone app is on the screen, and then the commands seem to be limited to dial-by-name or dial-by-number. I would like to be able to access some of the other commands that are listed on the voice command help screen, but so far I haven't been able to find a way to get the voice system to accept anything other than phone related commands. Am I missing something? Does the display need to be on a specific screen for this to work?
Oh. Thank you for explaining that - I can understand what you mean now - that's kinda frustrating. I'm presuming you've printed out a full list of all the commands and tried using them in the car while parked - just to get a feel. I discovered that certain Climate Control commands will only work when you're on the climate page. I only started changing the temperatures with my voice - that works even if you're using just the ventilation fan instead of the full A/C. I recall giving my NAV the "Home" command and getting told the command was not available on that page (the standard "Flux Capacitor" screen - lol...!!!), then I realised I had to be in the NAV screen to command the NAV. Ditto, with the Audio. You can turn audio on from any page, but I suspect you might need to be on the audio screen to give more detailed audio commands . Do try it and let us know how it goes. As for me, I've been swotting up on the commands, and using them more when driving. It's important you give commands when your surroundings are relatively quiet, otherwise the sound of, say, a loud roaring road surface, could make it impossible for the system to pick up your voice commands. This facility remains one of the most amazing and under utilised capabilities of my Gen II Prius - "Welcome to the World of Tomorrow" (Futurama - lol!).
I tried the voice button with the Audio screen displayed and with the Climate screen displayed... it did nothing at all.
It did nothing at all as in "no vocal response from the system"? Or did it say it didn't understand your command? Or did it say the command was unavailable? On a related issue, I'm presuming you're aware the microphone pickups are above your head? Sometimes I tilt my head up a bit when making voice commands - or the system doesn't hear me properly.
Is it possible that the American market package 4 models (and perhaps lower) have limited Voice Command capability?
Well, that's kinda why I'm here to ask you guys. I've only owned a Prius for 5 days, now. It does list all sorts of useful commands (like increasing or decreasing the climate control temperature) on the help screen, though.