We live in Burbank. We quoted pretty much all of the dealers in the Los Angeles area and this was the best offer we received. The breakdown is as follows. MSRP $31,025 +car came with door side moldings ($595), door edge guards ($189), glass etching ($399) =$32,208 Sale price of car: $28,489 TTL: $2,954.96 Toyota financing rebate: -$4,000 =$27,443.96 out the door with sticker!
Did you receive this quote online or did you have to go to the dealership to get it? I know some dealers won't give you the best quote if you don't show your face at the dealership.
Did you receive this quote online or did you have to go to the dealership to get it? I know some dealers won't give you the best quote if you don't show your face at the dealership.
I received this quote online from another dealer. I then called this dealership and they matched it over the phone. Showed up this dealership and everything was as we discussed over the phone.
what's the OTD price on 26,569 base price? And do you mind sharing the dealer contact? Best I have got so far is 28,365.20 OTD in San Jose bay area.
Just buy it. Green stickers are now depleted. Some dealerships still have them on car already. I just bought mine Saturday for the price you quoted and was the best I could find in southern California. Also that i believe the 60 month 0apr is ending soon.
That is not a good price. I am in San Jose too. Someone was able to get this in Burbank WITH +car came with door side moldings ($595), door edge guards ($189), glass etching ($399) =$27,443.96 out the door with sticker! That's out the door after tax. Also, I disagree with PriusNoob78, now that the HOV stickers are depleted, wait for the dealerships to get a little more desperate. Maybe end of May would be a good time to buy. Either way, don't settle for anything over 27443.96 out the door with those extras.
If for some reason San Jose dealers say no to matching Burbank's price. Just fly there and drive back in a day.
It wasn't even in Burbank. I asked the op who got it for 27.4k which dealership it was. I called that dealership about the 27.4k and the best they could do was 28.4k after hours of hassling and even walking away, then coming back later. There was only 3 with stickers when I went. I bought silver. Now only have the green and light blue color as of 4.26.14. I had gone and also inquired from 3 other dealerships including one popularly mentioned on this forum and also the nation's largest Toyota dealership and none were close to that price (with green stickers on it). You can keep searching but then determine is the possibility of not getting a green sticker, or driving all over California worth saving at most 1k? For me it wasn't. But hey if you think you can get 27.4k on a car with a sticker go to "Burbank" and see. Oh ya I forgot to mention. They advertised for April they were doing the 4000 cash back if financed at 0% apr 60 months. I was willing to buy the car outright but Toyota only had a 3000 cash back incentive if purchasing versus financing. I believe that ends may 5th
It's a no brainer choice. They are offering you an extra $1000 off for going on a 0% finance? They are letting you borrow money at no interest which you can throw in an CD or what not. Why pay all cash down and get $3000 off instead of $4000? That's a lose/lose situation.
Don't waste your time driving around. Negotiate with a dealer's internet fleet manager. Agree on a price. Fly/drive in to pick up. It takes just as much time as talking about it on this forum.
$28,365 OTD is a really good deal if it comes with the sticker. That's $1200 cheaper than when I bought it in March and that was the best price I could find at the time. Also if a person was able to get the car for a super cheap deal, that does not mean you can get the same. Some dealer gives out super good deal once in awhile and if you're lucky and they choose you, good but don't expect that they will give out the same deal to everyone.
Hi Everyone ! Thanks are due to Krystle920 who told me about Mitch at Thousand Oaks Toyota who I think gave me an awesome deal. 2014 PIP Base Sticker Price : $31,395.00 Extras were All Weather Mats + Cargo Tray + Blizzard Pearl Special Color Added Rear Bumper Applique Added Body Side Mouldings Added Door Edge Guards He included : Prevent-a-theft etch ... oh well 0% 60 months TFS Price : 29444.75 - 4000.00 TFS =25,444.75 Shipping was $900 to Kansas. Just got it today. Took exactly a week CA to KS. With the fed tax credit its 22,944.75 Thanks Krystle920.
Funny, when I met Mitch he was talking about shipping one to Kansas That is where I got mine. Mitch from thousand oaks Toyota. Paid 28,418 otd. If I get the 1500 state rebate and 2500 federal tax credit should come out to 24,418 including tax title license. Mine didn't have the rear bumper applique. How much was tax title license in Kansas? Congrats on the white Prius. That's the color I wanted but they didn't have any with green stickers on it.