I've read this somewhere before and found it interesting. It does seem to make sense - the increase in anger and violent crime with the rise of car use and traffic in cities. Then due to emission control legislation unleaded petrol was released and violent crime reduced. Is it this simple or are there other factors at play? I remember it being suggested that 'pop' music was responsible but now it appears it was our love affair with the car. BBC News - Did removing lead from petrol spark a decline in crime?
lol I guess that depends on location or dare I say it, your driving , but the number of riots seem to have dropped. Sure there are a few springing up here and there, but compared to the last century they're dropping.
Maybe in the US or UK or Europe, but the effect of less crime and the coinciding removing of lead occurs all over the World.
Well, it CAN be said that those who now illegally siphon gasoline are nolonger "drinking" leaded gasoline -- which is "Known to the state of Stupidity to cause medical/mental problems."
Just made smarter criminals. Increased their life expectancy. Increase time on earth means more time to commit crimes. Had the opposite effect, I guess.
Here is what chemical engineer John Mooney, inventor of the 3-way catalytic converter said about it (below). I don't know if there is total consensus on his view, but give him due credit for his accomplishments. Got to this link via Wikipedia.
Children are most susceptible to the neurological damage of chronic lead poisoning, so I would expect the time scale for a lead related issue to be generational. At that point way too many variables are involved to draw any reasonable kind of conclusions. There is a notion (hotly debated, I might add) that the people of the southern states in the US have lost some 10 IQ points this generation due to their stubborn insistence to keep lead at toxic levels in their environment for many years past the rest of the country. I presume southern pride manipulated by special interests. I just hope it is true, since it would suggest that the regional stupidity might be reversible.
Sounds dubious. What insistence? Do they insist on keeping leaded petrol or something? Just found this today; A crime mystery. It's going down, but no one really knows why | Andrew Rawnsley | Comment is free | The Observer
Correlation does not equal causation. I'd suggest that there are many other factors in play. I believe the Freakonomics book suggests that the adoption of legalized abortions was very helpful in reducing urban crime as it reduced the population of unwanted children.
No. We was referring "THE South".....not Florida, which is only geographically less northern. The South - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia *@%#!! Yankee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I had a South Carolina acquaintance inform me that Florida was the southern-most northern state in the country.
I agree that most of Florida is northern-like. I lived in Palm Beach for years and it is very much like a Mediterranean style New York/New Jersey. The panhandle and northern St Johns and Duval are closer to the south, though.
I don't know details, but I doubt it was the petrol. More likely smelters, lead based paint, and high lead concentrations in the soil that were not dealt with. Oh, and word to the wise: a 'news' article that has a question mark in the title is going to be BS.