465 mile round trip. Two adults in car. I-94 from central Wisconsin to central Minnesota for lunch and return. Speed for most of trip was 64mph to 69mph. Started with full EV charge, no other charge. Average speed 53mph. Temps were 45 dgrees f in morning going up and 64 degrees f on return. Winds 10-14 mph ssw. Mpg from the read out 65mpg! for the round trip! Is anyone else having problems posting photo's? I have never had a problem until yesterday and today. I get a message that say's the following, The following error occured-undefined. No other message is given, any Ideas? The photo is just like I always post and I checked to make sure it was jpeg. I am lost for ideas. I had a great trip! and really enjoyed the MPG! and the two 22 fl. oz. ice cold beers and Bennigan's big burger hit the spot!
Nice! That's some great fuel economy! Did you draft any trucks? Have favorable winds? I'm just used to seeing the 60/60/60 rule of thumb and not the 65/65/65.
Nope, I sure don't follow trucks. I like to leave them lots of room! Had kind of a cross wind, slighty left rear to front right going and reverse coming home.
My coffee buddy! I made him drink coffee. It does work that way when they are riding shot gun does it not?
We headed out with the bikes... still on the cold side, but at least the snow is gone. The trip ended up 45 MPG. With a bunch of the travel at 70 mph and that added drag on back, that's pretty good. There's was 9 miles of EV still left afterward too. Sadly, I also encountered a photo error. Something's broken on the website at the moment.
I can't upload either. Noticed the problem months ago and have given up trying. Had some updated screen shots from Lexus and ??? I forget. Remember when it was minus 10, 20, 30 just the other week? Storm windows up and screens down, bring on the pollen.
That's just 7.2 gallons. Refuel time, 45 seconds. Don't you love it when you use the right fuel for the job?
I did 1,000+ miles trip to Canada. I averaged 60 MPG with about 3 recharges. My tire pressures were 37 Front / 35 Rear if I recall.