My motorcycle club did an early morning ride today. Being a cold weather wuss, I went in the C. It gets better gas mileage than most of the bikes that went.......and about ties my Vulcan.
This is funny. At first I just read the title and in the time between reading the title to reading the post I paused and started trying to figure out how the Prius c saving gas is bogus. Lol! good one.
I'm sorry, but your post is the most entertaining I've seen today. You say the 90 mile commute consumes 5 gallons in the Fairlane and then the Prius C consumes 2 gallons. Going on about your side trips consuming more gas is comical. Your C consumes 60% less gas and thats not better mpg in your view?. I have to stop now; I'm laughing too much.
You are very welcome. It has been close to 10 years now, but your story reminded me of my own truly silly behavior when our first Prius came home: It was early winter and keeping the tank MPG > 50.0 was an obsession. If my wife took the car out I would sneak out to check the MPG meter afterwards, and if it had dipped below 50 I would take the car out for a joy ride to correct the damage. She got the hint soon enough and limited her use of the Prius until the novelty wore off a bit.
I've only had the car a week, so yeah...I'm definitely still MPG obsessed. In fact, it feels a little dangerous. I'll arrive at my destination and realize that I spent almost the entire drive staring at my dashboard info. YIKES!
That's exactly why one of my recommendations for any Prius Newbie is to just drive and NOT pay so much attention to all the possible input from the Prius Dash. Especially when it is all new, it can be dangerously distracting. In fact, for safety sake, I actually drive with my eyes closed.
I drove to Orlando over the weekend for my anniversary trip with my wife and we were both obsessed with the mpg since this is the first major trip taken since I got my car. It is hard not to get caught up in it. Overall, I kept my compulsion to a minimum and we managed a round trip average of 52.4 mpg. I think I was more thrilled with the drive to Disney than I was to actually go on any of the rides there.
When I first got my Prius, I was spending more money on car washes (and at only $2.25 each) than on gas.
Still happy with my C, but I’ve got First Prius Problems, too: After a nice descent, I’m alone on a flat highway in the dead of winter, and with a light foot I’m getting better than 65mpg instantaneous when I realize: That’s pulling my trip average down. Sigh. I bought a C2 to get cruise control, but now I never use it as I try to squeeze every last mile out of a tank. With my grocery rewards card I earn cents off per gallon per fill-up, but now that’s just 8 gallons. Seems like a C would be a cheap-skate’s best ride but then I dropped $50 on Zymol wax, and my daughters gave me a Prius-Chat shark-fin for Christmas. New alloys this weekend (so snows can stay on the steelies). Sigh.
Why the sigh ? Every vehicle ever made uses less energy when coasting down a slope than when running on flat ground. No way around that. You should be happy. Note: if your post was intended as satire too, it wasn't nearly as good as the original.
You perhaps think sarcasm was invented at around the same time as television ? In any case, skyak's post is not sarcasm, it is gentle and funny, tongue in cheek poking a bit of fun at himself.
Which is still hard to read if you don't know the personality of the writer or have context of more than a few lines... wait... sarcasm wasn't invented with color TV? I never said I didn't understand that his statement was satirical, I was just saying that sometimes that can be hard for people to read. There's a difference.
I invented a theory just now: April 1st drained us of any ability to take ourselves just a little less seriously than usual, and woe to the trespasser on our collective Prius ego. Take that as a warning, funny guys!