I was looking at the following ramps: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect...%26n%3D15684181 Would they work with the prius ? (as far as not scraping the front buttom) I would preffer not using a jack. Thanks!
Can't say for sure, but i remember seeing a picture of someone using similar ramps for their rear wheels when installing the BT plate.
Seems I saw this before, I think the poster stated they had to use floor jacks as the front catches on the ramps..
I have a set of steel ramps - similar pitch to the ramp above. It just barely works. My ramps actually have a 1'' curb on either side of the incline which brings it closer to the cowling. I need to position the ramp carefully to get the maximum clearance.
I don't remember how close my ramps were, but they worked. They look similar to the ones you're showing, and I think they're the same brand, but rated for a lower weight (8,000 lbs, that's plenty for the Prius).
I have an old pair of steel ramps and they do *not* work on my Prius. I have to jack it up and use safety stands. If you're buying the ramps for oil changes, I don't think you have to. It's a tight fit, but you can change the oil with all 4 wheels on the ground. I've done it twice now.
I have steel ramps that don't quite fit so I cut some 2x10s to act as extenders. I first drive up on the wood and that gives me enough clearance to make it up onto the ramps.
Yup, the rear-ramp stiffening buy was me. http://www.darelldd.com/ev/images/prius/st...ing_plate01.jpg These ramps were a great investment. They've worked with every car I've owned, and are safer than most cheapie metal ramps.
Those look like the very same ramps that I used to lift the rear of my 05 Prius earlier today to install the BT Chasis Stiffening plate. They worked like a charm on the rear of the vehicle. I believe some posters have reported that they might not work on th front wheels...haven't tried them there yet. I use ths same ramps to change the oil and work on my John Deere tractor. They really are very sturdy, yet light enough to handle, and they really come in handy.
I also use them when changing oil. They scrape, but I avoid this by lifting on the front end just before driving up them. I also back down slowly.
My generic steel ramps just *barely* fit under the bumper plastic to get in position -- I have to pull up on the car and let the bumper bend just a little, but it's enough to drive forward and up. . But if the tires get damp somehow, they'll *slip* on the ramps which makes it much harder to get up there.. should do the Wood Thing. http://techno-fandom.org/~hobbit/cars/naked/spread.jpg . _H*
I have a set of ramps that I made 20 years ago out of a 6X6. It was about 4 feet long and I cut a nice long diagonal slope through the middle leaving a good 10" on both ends. They have served me well and I sure have got my money out of them. They have supported everthing from the Prius to a 3/4 ton pickup truck. You can custom make a set to any slope you want. Kaos1
Darn! I thought I was so cleaver when I rigged mine up. Also notice in the photo that I took them seriously about the extra four tenths of a quart.