Have a 2001 and a 2010. The traction battery has failed in the 2001 and my wife says no to a rebuild and I say no to a dealer's new battery price, so looking for a newer used replacement Prius, to kill time until gen4 comes out. When I go on Craig's List I am surprised at the number of 2005,6 that say they have new batteries in them. Seems like gen2 has a higher failure rate than gen1. Figure it's just a statical fluke on the latest listings on Craig, but thought I'd better do some checking. Did gen2 make the batteries run hotter on average. I thought gen 2 batteries had lower source impedance so probably ended up cooler but I don't know how the average currents compared. What were the changes between gen2 and 3? Sorry to bug the forum but I can't seem to find the search box for this forum. Thank you. Barry Gamble
Statistically speaking, the gen2's sold a boatload more priuses than the gen1. The gen2 was when the prius really took to adoption. So yes, you will see more that need batteries based soley on that reason alone, even if it has a lower failure rate, it's still a rate. So a rate on a much higher volume of cars will net you more hits in your search. Here's a chart below for example:
Just use Google search in your browser with Priuschat.com as one of the search parameters. Works much better than the site's search function. SCH-I535