And with the new updated software it's I wish my car could get moving like it did before the update The no respect will increase, now with the Prius being slower Be careful of the lunatics out there people. Mike
Might as well paint a target on your car if you're seriously considering any of that crap.. Especially in LA.
Nothing like adding to the Prius hate among the general public Best thing to do it get out of the way and let Bubba waste his fuel in whatever lane they are in. Even better would be to figure out how to change laws for road rage and get law enforcement to take it serious. In Minnesota they do take it very serious. State police here ask that drivers call 911, which goes to the state patrol dispatch if done from a mobile phone, and report all road rage. Mike
Here in Quebec the prius stereotype does not exist compare to what some of you are dealing with, i rarely deal with tailgating issue. But hey stupidity is everywhere....
I test drove a new Metro in 91, I believe it was a base model too, had nothing, not even A/C. It scared me, did not buy one.
when I got my prius and got on here I saw people talking about this. I thought that they were being hyper sensitive and because of driving slower than others people would come up and tailgate them. I drive for mpg most of the time and I have been doing this for several years. in a rabbit diesel and neon. anyway it seems that some people want to make a point with the prius. they will ride your bumper and often will not pass but rather stay close behind you with their lights shining right in the back window. I never thought about it being the hatch that makes the cars seem closer. but I think it is more than that they will pass you without getting out of your lane completly or hug the line and pass with only a foot between them and me. I guess I could get a grey wig and wander back and fourth and speed up and slow down. I hope they have a great day. but doubt they will they seem to need to push someone around so why not a car that going the speed limit. when there is plenty of opportunity to pass in the other lane that is unused. instead they ride my butt and I try to ignore them.
The LSi models were the better ones. Good cars in their days. EZ to get 40's to 50's mpg with only a gasoline motor. There were custom cams from ECO to road racing grinds plus headers, chassis braces, coil over suspension, killer swaybars. That was fun back then Mike
Drive like you are the only sane person on the road. because you may be the only sane person on the road. this is a quote from someone on priuschat not sure who
When idiots used to ride my trailer's nice person in my big truck, I'd grab a small handful of BB's and open my window and let them fall. The suction behind the trailer would suck the now bouncing BB's in behind the trailer and rain those suckers on the idiot riding my trailer's nice person. Worked every time Mike
I think they thought it was gravel off the road. Not going to see a BB bouncing but it will sound like crap flying up off the road. Gravel would be too messy to deal with so a box of BB's did the trick every time That was many many years ago. Mike
sometimes I will start washing my winshield and just keep washing it the water starts runnng off the top of the car and starts getting their car if we are driving fast enough and they are tailgateing.