Hey guys, so i don't own a first gen Prius, but i do know the steering wheel on most used classic prii look pretty worn. So today i realized that the steering wheel in my sisters Lexus RX300 looks kinda like the same steering wheel in the 2001-2003 Prius.. So after some internet browsing, i think they are almost identical!! Well other than the nice leather and the option in brown or gray. So if you bought a old leather Lexus RX300 steering wheel you could most likely put it on your little Prius and in enjoy that Lexus comfort in the palm of your hand.
*Must clarify* Only the 1999-2000 Lexus RX300 steering wheel. the Lexus RX300 had a refresh for 2001.
no. the 2001-2003 Lexus steering wheel might fit the gen 1 Prius, but it totally changed in the looks department. Most of the 2001-2003 Lexus rx300 steering had wood grain.
I am only relaying the info from what is currently for sale on ebay. Most if the sellers are parts salvage yards and they all seem to be telling the same story. I'm not claiming they are correct "because I saw it on the internet"
Okay good for you! All i am saying is, the 1999 and 2000 Lexus RX300 has the SAME exact steering wheel as the Prius, (besides being leather wrapped). And i also thought id share with the nice people on Priuschat, so if any of them ever wanted to replace their stock steering wheel they could have the same exact steering wheel in leather.