Friend that is buying is in SoCal. I use to live down there and trying to help him find the best price. I now live in Washington.
Lowest quote I have currently is $26,750 for a base in blizzard pearl, floor and cargo mats, and rear bumper applique, For some reason I thought she was in NorCal. But, I see she is close to LA area. I will contact her and see what she can do.
He ended up buying from Mossy Toyota in Pacific Beach for $27,000 with Blizzard Pearl and mats. The lowest he was able to get was Tustin Toyota for $26,725 with Blizzard Pearl and mats. The difference wasn't worth the 4 hours going back and forth.
The price I got from Tustin was better than Diana's. But, at the end of the day didn't want to drive up to Tustin to purchase a car. Mossy wouldn't match either. He is happy with the deal he got, so that is all that matters.
New to PIP. Purchase Price: $27,537 Invoice if known: N/A Sticker: $31,025 Model: Standard with body side molding and door edge guard out the door: $30,016 (including all fees and 9% sales tax) 0% APR, 0 down - 60 payments X $500.28
Purchase Price: $26,999 Sticker: $31,025 Model: Standard out the door: $29,718.32 (including all fees and 8% sales tax) 0% APR, 0 down - 60 payments $495.31
Does Daniel have the HOV stickers on the VIN #'s he has in stock???? My Neighbors just bought from Tustin 2 days ago. Im happy with what I paid - Dianne made it easy and I picked up my HOV stickers within a week of purchase....
i picked a car with the HOV in hand, they got alot of plug-ins to pick from just have to pick which one has the HOV on hand
I've had some awesome, awesome pricing on PlugIns since way before anyone at Tustin or anywhere else was even remotely interested in selling these 2012-2013-2014. I was the only one discounting pre-ordered cars by $500 when they were first introduced and was the very first one to start marketing these all over the country for under invoice. When the $$$ was flowing from Toyota to salespeople as bonuses for selling PlugIns, it got crazy aggressive. Now that it's stopped, all that $$$, most CA sales staff has cooled on this model. Tell you what. PLEASE Wipe Tustin completely out of PlugIns with stickers. Run them all out of cars at that pricing. Let them undervalue your trade ins and hold you in finance for an hour or more trying to make more $ and do what you gotta do to get the best deal. In my personal opinion, the best deal on this car in CA is the one where you leave with green stickers on your car's back end. My pricing may not be the lowest "today, March 19th" and I may not care to fight over $50 or $100 with someone, but I will end up in a better place once the stickers run dry and I will still have 100-150 units with sold-out HOV stickers on hand while everyone else will be selling you cars and telling you to HURRY and apply for them because they are running dry. Or, unwilling or unable to get you plates on quick turnaround with DMV. Want license plates in 2-3 days? I can do it. If that is what it might take to ensure a good shot at HOV stickers, I will do it. If you make it about the selling price and only the selling price, you never know what you might end up with. Praying for HOV stickers. Poor delivery experience? No clue how or where to get the $1500 incentive from state? Or, how to get the $2500 tax credit on purchase? A great color selection and a quick in-and-out express check-out - that's us! That's me. I'm an Edmunds 5-star dealer as well.
Hi everyone, New member, longtime lurker, proud owner. Here goes: Purchase Price: $26,823 Invoice if known: N/A Sticker: $31,420 (Blizzard Pearl) + $98 for all weather floor mats Model: Base out the door: $29,811 (including all fees and 9% sales tax) 0% APR, 0 down - 60 payments X $496.85 I live in SoCal and bought from a dealership that's not Carson Toyota, but has been mentioned several times in this forum. I received a way better price than Dianne is offering, and drove off the lot with stickers! The dealership was a pleasure to work with (contrary to Dianne's claims on this forum). I'd also like to add (and I know I'll get some flack for this) that I believe Dianne is engaging in scare tactics regarding the HOV stickers, to the point where she's now asking MSRP for cars with stickers. I know the HOV stickers are starting to run out, but there are other SoCal dealers that have already ordered the stickers for their inventory and have them on the way, if not on hand. If you are diligent and ask the right questions, there is no reason why you can't drive off another dealer's lot with a better price and with stickers, or at least knowing that you'll receive them within a week or two. That's what happened with me. I'm only saying the foregoing to pay it forward to other forum members, who have helped me so much with my research prior to purchasing the PIP last Saturday (3/15/14). Thank you, forum members!! Please remember to be polite if you want to rebut.
Well, i had a great experience at Tustin Toyota, In and out less than 1 hour, got my sticker on spot and great delivery, probably just depends on who you buy it from.
I have just a handful of advanced models (18 of them I think) here and coming, but just 2 with the advanced tech adds.
Purchase Price: $26,595 Invoice if known: N/A Sticker: $31,025 Model: Base OTD = $29570 (Tax included and everything with $10k down for 60 months, 0 apr and 3000 cash back) Anyone was able to get it for below $25000 or close to it on the vehicle price? I feel like the dealer does not want to sell the car if you try to negotiate with them the vehicle price before the 3000 rebate. They're taking the 3000 rebate amount into their quote as if it's their own rebate but in fact it's free money from toyota.