OK I need to replace just the boot, joint is fine. I have everything disassembled but cannot get the cv joint off the end of the axle. What am I missing here? All other CV Joints just come off with a few whacks of a hammer. Is there something special on these I'm missing?
Not sure what you mean by get the cv joint off the end of the axle. Are you trying to remove the halfshaft entirely from the car by removing it from the transaxle and the hub?
Just trying to remove the joint from the end of the axle to replace the boot. Axle is still in the car. I separated the outer shaft from the hub and need to remove the cv joint to replace the boot. Most cars the joint come off but this one doesn't want to move.
Just trying to remove the joint from the end of the axle to replace the boot. Axle is still in the car. I separated the outer shaft from the hub and need to remove the cv joint to replace the boot. Most cars the joint come off but this one doesn't want to move.
is there a c-clip holding it onto the shaft? it may be kind of hidden, more of a circle than a c, the kind that sits in a groove and you need special pliers to fit into two small holes and enlarge it.
I believe that the outboard CV joint is integral with the shaft that connects to the inboard CV joint. So to separate the two joints, you have to take the unit apart at the inboard CV joint.
Do you mean that small joint halfway up the shaft in between the 2 cv joints? I was wondering what that was.
As Patrick stated, the outer joint does not come off of the axle shaft. Remove the entire axle assembly from the vehicle. Remove the inboard joint. If working on the right side axle, note the location and orientation of the vibration damper (rubber donut midway on the axle) and remove it. Then you can remove the outer joint boot over the axle shaft.
Thanks for all the info. At this point I just ordered a whole new axle. Price is cheap enough and I was beating on that cv joint a lot to try and separate it so who knows is I may have damaged it. For $80 I can just put in a whole new one.
Agree, it is much easier just to install a new halfshaft. Good luck, getting the old one out of the transaxle. Make sure you drain the transaxle ATF before you remove the halfshaft, and have 4 quarts of Toyota ATF WS to refill the transaxle.
You need pry bar behind the joint and hammer to pop it out Fluid should come out. Put a catch pan. New drive shaft end that goes into tranny. Dip in grease slide it back in and tap it till you hear it go in iPhone ?
Generally you use a pry bar to push the inner cv joint away from the transaxle. A snap ring holds the axle shaft in the transaxle. By prying, you compress the snap ring and the axle (usually) pops out of the trans. Sometimes the joint gets stuck (on older cars). The inner CV joints on my Honda Civics were easy to remove. On Ford Escorts? Forget it.
I know this is 5 years ago... butttt.... There is a snap ring holding the triangle onto the axel. You need snap ring players to remove it, then the bearing assembly will come off. It's in the Haynes manual. I need to replace the boot on mine and was looking it up.