I'm with you, but I have to point out that some corners are bigger than others One interesting anecdote is from 2Fas -- the 600 mile a day wonderman. He changes oil every 5k miles with good quality synthetic, yet still had the typical oil loss start with his Prius at high miles. So the presumption that a more frequent oil change interval can modify this is not proven. That said, I agree with a modified Frodoz statement: If you follow a long oil change interval and do not verify by analysis that the oil is lasting the course, it is at least possible that you are assuming some risk of early (er) than needed engine wear. I think we can all agree that oil checks are required much more frequently than every 10k miles. YMMV
Is 04152-YZZA6 the correct oil filter part number for a 2013 Prius Plug-in? I can't find anywhere that says Plug-in. Everything just says Prius.
Well, I'm pretty excited. I just spent $60 on Amazon for 10 Oil filters and gaskets. Now I gotta figure out what oil to use.
Do those filters or gaskets have any sort of shelf life? Most likely won't be using the last ones for at least 3 years.
They're made of man made materials that should last for many decades. They'll certainly outlast our lifetimes.
After reading these comments , I'm happy now my dealer included $ 9.99 synthetic Oil and filter changes for life ....
A lot of owners seem to do this, but for the life of me I can't understand this Costco mindset: I just buy 'em as I need them, for about the same price, at the Toyota Parts Counter. D.O. for oil, Toyota 0W20 under $6 a liter there. And they have the drain bolt washer.
I made that mistake before too. Bought 5 filters at once, sold the car after using 2 filters. Have away the 3 to the new owner. So basically loss money instead of saving SM-N900P ?
What a nice guy that dealer is. He must be giving away this incredible price at a personal loss... or perhaps he gave the great deal only to you, because he likes you better than other customers, and it's those other customers that are subsidizing the bulk of the oil change... or maybe guaranteeing you will get your oil changes there will give the dealer the opportunity to point out many other costly things he suggests you "take care of" while the car is there. Peace of mind comes at a cost, and relying on others for peace of mind can be very costly indeed. Still... way cheaper to give away a few filters than to pay someone to do an oil change with their marked up parts prices. Plus, it's a nice little bonus for the new owner to not have to be concerned with filters for a while. I stock up on filters when they are on super sale online. I've got 6 years of just about everything for my vehicles. Fortunately, some of the filters are interchangeable with other vehicles I have, so if I sell one, I can use it on the other.
I doubt it. I've been into my "stash" for about 5 years now. And with some good investing luck, it isn't shrinking much either. One needs to save for a "worst case" scenario and then be pleasantly surprised if it turns out better.
Just ask some retirees after the crash of 2008 if they wish they had been better prepared for the possibility of something like that. There were some extremely sad stories to come out of that....still coming out of that.
I think there will be another crash that will be worse than the last. What has happened to make things get any better? Just my opinion?