So I had to pick up a customers 2011 Prius and run back to the shop for a quick wash. I drove my 2013 PIP to her house and Left It there. She's a couple miles from the shop all in town. So I got a decent feel for the car. I immediately noticed the Prius felt peppier than my PIP and it almost felt like the PIPs tranny "slipped" more than the Prius did and the Prius responded better to throttle input. Both cars were in ECO. Has anyone ever had the chance to drive both back to back? Anyone else notice a difference? Galaxy S4 ?
I would guess that the standard Prius' accelerator "law" allows more torque per degree of travel in its ECO mode than the PIP in the ECO mode, since the PIP is designed not to go out of EV mode as readily. Put them in a drag race and floor both accelerators, and I'll bet they tie. The weight difference is only 120 lbs.
I drove my 2010 Prius IV to Maryland to pick up my 2014 PIP, and drove the PIP back home over the same route, about 400 miles and did not notice any difference actually. Well other than the EV mode is quieter when the ICE is off. Actually love my PIP much more though than the non PIP.
Yes! extra 124 pounds or so. I noticed that right away, kind of seems to lumber, if that makes sense, mabe not the right word but you get the idea.
I thought acceleration seemed somewhat subdued as opposed to the regular Prius. It just doesn't take off like the original when in HV mode if using the same scale on the HSI and amount of pedal.
In theory the PiP should win. The software allows for more HP from the battery. But I have never floored it and don't plan to, so not sure what the software does exactly in this situation.
In EV mode, the PIP has much stronger acceleration but that's because the battery is larger and output is greater. In HV mode, it definitely has less get up and go if driven the same way, or as close to the same as possible.
I was in EV mode one time and floor it to see what would happen.....the ICE turned on and didn't shut off until it reached operating temperature.