I take it this is something that the dealership needs to fix. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Did you bring up the settings menu on that display? Cycle through the displays until you get to the settings. Fuel cost is a sub-menu item.
Press Disp on the steering wheel until Settings comes up. Then press and hold the Disp button on the steering wheel. The first choice will be gasoline cost.
I wish my fuel costs were $0! Sitting around $4/gal. now. It's a bit of a pain to set any settings in that menu...there's so many other buttons on the steering wheel but they force you to just use the 1! Also the time you get to set the new fuel cost after each fill-up is 2 seconds...I have to prepare myself after a refuel to press the up button. (can't wait to press the down button)...; lord knows I don't want to go into that settings menu unless i have to!