My sister bumped into my bumper a little while back. Since then, I took it by the shop but it wasn't fixed to my satisfaction. My car is a 2013 and it just should look perfect in my opinion but I'd welcome any non jerk opinions.
Back in highschool I had a civic with a bumper that just got freshly repainted from an accident that wasn't my fault. My sister took out the car the next week and backed into a garbage can or something and it caused the bumper's paint to have fissure marks. So my lesson is never to let a woman do anything except sit in your car. And even when she sits in there, make sure she doesn't scratch the interior with her "accessories" and Not to drift off topic but ya, that gap would make me bring it back to the shop. You have every right to complain and they should fix it because their goal is to bring it back up to "before collision" standard. good luck.
They didn't say much. I brought it to them after and they "fixed" it again. There was 0 damage before the accident and that side was perfect even after the accident. Maybe they didn't get the other side correct so it is throwing off the side I am referencing. On a related note, they also didn't snap a few panels back correctly. The panel over the brake light was off and the trim that covers the latch area was loose. It was rubbing and I actually figured that one out myself.