Left Lane Hogs to be Punished in Georgia

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by SPEEDEAMON, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Mike500

    Mike500 Senior Member

    Mar 1, 2012
    2012 Prius v wagon
    It's ALL about the money.

    It's NOT about the State Troopers. It's all about the small town sheriffs, who send their deputies to prey on the easy pickings on the Interstate in the rural areas.

    In some areas, the 65-75 MPH speed limit slows down to 55. They want most cars to be frustrated with the slow traffic on the right. Miss the sign posting the reduced speed, and you'll still think you're still going the speed limit while passing the slower traffic.

    On I75, they are particularly after out of state tourist going on vacation to Florida and passing through from the Midwest and the North, who will not return to fight the speeding ticket.

    In the late 1970's, then Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter revised the Georgia constitution. They took the traffic courts away from the counties and made them ALL State Courts, because the local sheriffs and judges were so corrupt.
  2. xraydoug

    xraydoug Active Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Roseburg, Oregon
    2013 Prius c
    So if you get stuck in the passing lane with a speeder behind me and have to speed to get over because the @#$% is tailgateing you may get a ticket for speeding or impeeding trafic I wonder it they can write you a ticket for speeding and holding up traffic for the same stop just to be jerks.

    Make less laws and enforce the ones you have or delete them. passing a new law does little to fix anything. enforcing the laws already in place should be a law!

    I agree that you should stay in the right lane unless you need to move over. In Oregon we have a law you must move into left lane if someone is pulled over by police or fire ect.., also you must move into left lane to allow people to merge onto freeway at onramps, our truck speed is 55 and auto is 65 so if I drive 65 and start to pass a truck and traffic catches up to me and the truck also comes up on traffic then I am left no option but to speed to get around the traffic. I think we should have a law allowing speed to exceed the normal limit to pass.

    I also think if I am passing a truck and it takes 30 seconds. the impatient drivers in the left lane who tailgate me should recieve a small electrical shock.
  3. xraydoug

    xraydoug Active Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Roseburg, Oregon
    2013 Prius c
    it probably wouldn't hold up in court. are they really going to tell you you are required to speed so you can get arround right lane traffic that was going slow a few seconds back and is now driving the speed limit and there are several cars in a row. I will slow down to get back in right lane sometimes. but I usually speed up to get over. but to make a law that says I must get over with a impatient tailgater behind me is stupid.
    KeinoDoggy likes this.
  4. jdk2

    jdk2 Active Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    Raleigh, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    or have their car instantly disabled the moment the distance between the front of their car and the rear of yours is less than safe as determined by a new following law.
  5. Trollbait

    Trollbait It's a D&D thing

    Feb 7, 2006
    eastern Pennsylvania
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Nothing wrong with that, but if there isn't anybody in the right lane, then they shouldn't be just cruising along in the left.
    Technically, this isn't a new law, but a rewriting of an existing one. With the current one as written, it is ok for someone to stay in the left lane and impede traffic as long as they are going the speed limit. The ones speeding that end up tailgating are in the wrong, but impeding them by hogging the left lane won't change their behavior.

    Leaving them with only the right lane to pass in can increase the danger of their behavior. Being right and them wrong is small constellation if your car ends up with danger or you in the hospital.

    It is better to have the idiots in front of you where you can watch them. Unless the idiot is somebody in the left lane matching speed with traffic in the right. I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are just unaware of what their actions are doing, but some due do this on purpose.

    Some of the idiots have mental issues. In the article, reducing the incitation of road rage is given as a reason for changing the law.
  6. MarcSmith

    MarcSmith Active Member

    Jan 13, 2014
    Northern VA
    Other Hybrid
    I will ride in the left lane if given the opportunity. why, its usually smoother than the right lane. Less cracks, less pot holes, ect. makes for a nicer less fatiguing experience.

    I generally run about 5 -8 over the limit. if I see someone coming up from behind i will move over...

    If I am passing on the left and someone tries to "pass me on the right when they think there is a big enough gap between my car the car in front of me to do the swerve routine" I will accelerate slightly and tighten the gap just to prevent someone from doing that... Yeah I know its a dick move. but we are already exceeding the speed limit we are passing traffic, you are not any more important than I am (unless you have red and blue blinky lights). Get in line like the rest of the herd.

    Oh and the folks that move from the right lane into the merge lane to pass cars... I'll hang you out to dry every time...

    Merging... the traffic on the highway dictates the speed. if you are entering the highway ITS YOUR JOB to get up to speed and safely merge. yes it means that you may have to push your right foot to the floor. but don't enter the highway at 10-15 below the speed that everyone else is running... and don't go to the end of the merge lane and expect there to be a magic gap for your car in front of me, when there are 15 empty car lengths behind me...

    I call it defensive driving... I'm defending my safe space around my vehicle..

    personally I'd love to have a cellphone jammer.. but around DC, having people doing makeup, reading the morning paper, playing with a tablet, while driving is just mind boggling...
  7. Chuck.

    Chuck. Former Honda Enzyte Driver

    Oct 24, 2006
    Lewisville, TX (Dallas area)
    2007 Prius
    Is there anyone from Missouri familiar with an infamous speed trap? At some point they ticketed a state senator, who was so infuriated he sponsored a bill that put a ceiling on the amount of revenue a city can collect on traffic fines - i.e. can't be way over the average of violations statewide. As a result, that town basically shut down because half of their revenue was from the speed trap.
  8. Mike500

    Mike500 Senior Member

    Mar 1, 2012
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Having retired from the DOJ, I had familiarity with legal systems.

    In 2003, I received a ticket from the South Georgia speed trip that I noted.

    That's how I knew about the history of the courts and the Georgia Constitution.

    When I appear for the trial, they conveniently lost my case and the officer failed to appear. The case was dismissed.

    Currently, the speed limit through that town has been set at 70MPH, like the rest of I75.

    Apparently, they tried to railroad the wrong person in Georgia government.
  9. ftl

    ftl Explicator

    Jun 2, 2009
    Long Island NY
    2012 Prius c
    Here's a good solution:

    "A jailed former mayor, a history as a notorious speedtrap and now a damning audit could mean the end of tiny Hampton."
    Hampton Florida Audit: Corruption, Speedtrap Doom Town | TIME.com

    SPEEDEAMON Professional Car Nut

    Aug 31, 2008
    Los Angeles
    2015 Prius
    Thanks everyone for your responses!
    If you've driven in Europe or Japan, you know how disciplined and well mannered the drivers are. They know that the left lane (right in the UK and Japan) is the passing lane and if you're in that lane and someone comes up from behind, you simply move over. If you don't realize that someone faster than you are behind you, that driver flicks the high beams to let you know. Then you move over. But here we have multi-national drivers with poor driving skills (I'm not naming the country of their origin) or no driving manners that simply don't get it. What's wrong with letting someone that wants to go faster than you go their own way.
  11. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    Where the right lane is always faster than the left.

    If your not passing get the hell out of the fast lane. If you see someone coming up on you in the fast lane move over.
    Lots of accidents and lots of road rage caused by people plopped down in the left lane.
  12. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The problem is: They don't see you.
    They're either poking a piece of Gorilla glass or yacking with their BFF, eating, drinking, reading or they're just plain clueless.
    We Americans just aren't what you would call talented drivers.

    Drunk driving used to be a mostly civil matter. Yeah....you might get a ticket if the cop was doing his/her job properly but when I was a kid LEO would usually just make the solberest person drive everybody home.
    The butcher's bill on increasingly crowded highways reached a tipping point and groups like MADD insisted on real change. DUI is a real crime now, and slowly people's attitudes have changed towards this behavior.
    There are still drunk drivers to be sure, but it's not as chronic a problem as it used to be.
    The last Middle-Eastern country that I visited was Kuwait.
    People don't usually go there for the night-life, as they're kinda down on the whole alky-haul thing.
    You wanna know what I saw there?
    DUI checkpoints.
    You remember the part of "It's a Wonderful Life" where Zuzu said: "Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings!"
    That's because GOD makes a LOT more a$$holes than angels. :)

    Some day....we're going to look back on 2014 and wonder how people ever let drivers get away with DWD....or driving while distracted.

    Meanwhile.....we have to deal with left lane A$$holes.
    The trouble is.......
    If you're unfortunate enough to live in really crowded places we all have to learn to share PUBLIC roads.
    As much fun as it is to daydream about pushing blue-hairs and long hairs into the ditch (I even did it myself a few posts back!) there's no excuse for road-rage.
    Since I do chose to live in a fairly rural area, I have the option of waiting a minute or two and using the other lane.
    I only have to drive 3 miles to get to work.
    If I lived in LA or Boston?

    ....well. Then I would probably have to place some of the blame on both sides of the windshield. :)
    SPEEDEAMON and Trollbait like this.