Just when you think you've seen really stupid; ANOTHER ONE STEPS UP TO THE PLATE, and SURPRISES YOU...
People that don't drive diesels don't pay attention to which gas stations have only a single pump for diesel. Cases like this are not intentional, and diesel drivers need to understand it's a con of owning diesel.
Yes, they do need to understand that. If someone is in front of you at a gas station and has the temerity to drive to a pump and start pumping some gas, that's no reason to start shouting at them. Yes, maybe there is only one diesel pump. Fine. Wait. In Australia at supermarkets, of the ten or fifteen checkouts there's only one that sells cigarettes. But if I'm buying bread and the shortest queue is at that checkout, that's where I'll go. Everyone has to wait in line: that's how things work. Jacked-up truck guy needs to get a hold of his temper. Or if he doesn't want to have to wait for other people to fill their cars (the nerve of it!), he needs to buy his own diesel pump.
There are jerks everywhere. This isn't Prius hate. It's just hate. Ignore or participate. I try to just ignore them. Good luck!
I own a Prius and a diesel truck. I understand the frustration since most stations only have 2 diesel pumps. But most people are unaware of that so I'm able to be an adult about it. ☺️
I know combo diesel and gas pumps exist, but not driving a diesel, I don't notice if a pump is one until I've pulled up to it.
A long time ago we were stuck at a station, finally it was our turn and when we pulled up to the last station, a car with New York license plates pulled forward, facing our pump, waiting to use it. Like this: x = car, S = station, n = nimrod from New York facing x (me) on the left: x x S x x S x n So when we finished, we told the grumpy old New York couple to move back, so we (at the x) could pull away from the pump, but instead they refused to budge even 1 foot back, and insisted that we move back so they could pull forward. Really? And yes they were an old grumpy couple with old grumpy couple pointing-like gestures.
Even if this was the case, don't you still keep decorum? Seems to me the operating policy of most gas stations is First Come, First Serve, and wait for your turn. If he was filling his Prius, this pump was obviously a "regular" pump as well as one that offered diesel. That doesn't make it the exclusive domain of a diesel owner. IMO...you can be perturbed, disappointed, tired, but you quietly wait your turn...the guy was being a jerk.
The OP never got to know this jerk (which might be a good thing), but I strongly suspect he was not driving a business vehicle since it was mentioned it was jacked up. People need trucks to do a job, but pickup sales declined 1/3 during the Great Recession - I bet many of them were simply for personal use, and this jerk got it to validate himself. Sort of an unusual case, but someone I know in high school had treatment for dwarfism - he maxed out at 4ft 10in? Anyway he compensated by driving a Lincoln Continental Mark IV
OP should trade up to a gas station that doesn't sell diesel. Idiot Diesel Driver Problem solved. Congratulations. You just GASSED a diesel pump.