new (3000 miles) 2013 model dead in the water. will not start. have tried both keys. wifey can't remember if she might have left lights on last nite..but that shouldn't happen..with automatic off feature..right? walks like..quacks like battery tho. when first trying to start..wipers were in on position..and they did go on..verrrry slowly. turn indicators only activity on the screen. any advice..counsel or prayers appreciated!
no auto off, you're 12v is probably doa. best thing is to call toyota free roadside service for a jump.
always.. ..learned the hard way. she hit the emerge. button on the way out of the car..somehow. and that did it. btw..your Toyota roadside service tip was most valuable. great fone service..and quick response. can't beat the price..either! thx for all the help tonite!!
If an interior light gets into a habit of being left on, then long term it may be easier and cheaper to replace the offending lights with much lower current LED lamps. These won't cure the dead battery problem, but can buy 4x to 10x more time to discover and turn off offending lights before they drain the car far enough to prevent starting. This may well allow the battery to survive long enough to still start the next day.