yes.......I was just pointing out that EV miles estimate will drop when HV or ICE is on and will go back up when Climate control is turned off. And EV only mode is on.
Any time you turn on the fan, with or without heat or A/C, the effect on the estimated EV miles is the knocks off about 10%. Turn the fan off and it bumps it right back up. Mike
I have noticed this, too. I was curious where the power was going, so I pulled up the nav energy screen. I expected to see arrows going from the ice to the battery, since I was stopped. However, there were no arrows going in any direction!
The plug-in may have different firmware, but with my hatchback, when the coolant temp is below about 130F and I have the heat on, the engine will run when the car is stopped, but it also charges the battery at around 20 amps. It is not a complete loss...
So ICE turns on and starts engine warm up cycle and continues to maximize EV usage to minimize emissions from the ICE. So even though ICE is on and warming up, it only contributes to locomotion if you really press the gas pedal to tell the car that you need to move now and fast. (based on comments from John####) Is that the deal OP is describing? I think PIP ICE warm up is longer that our Gen II or Prius v.
I'm the OP. The ICE was warm but the interior wasn't yet up to temp. (so the warm up cycle has nothing to do with this) And yes, the warmup cycle is longer. Although I've noticed before that if I have no EV range left and it gets started up in HV mode that it will act just like a regular Gen3 and have a shorter initial warm up period.
PiP behaves this way in HV mode with a few EV miles left, reconfirmed today. It is in EV mode (at high SOC?) that the estimated EV range decreases while ICE providing cabin heat.
I had a brief chance to see it in Torque yesterday. ICE was running while cabin heat was on. The opportunity window at stop light was not long enough to see EV estimate decrease but I saw ICE making NO POWER. About 700 Watts of electricity was used. That's with both rear and front wipers on, along with both heated seats. AC power gauge showed 100 Watts so 100 of 700W was for air conditioning (fan to blow in heat + AC compressor to dehumidize). How was ICE running without making power? Perhaps MG1 was turning it to circulate heat in transmission fluid? Would it be possible for ICE to combust low enough and make no power? Don't think so. For the next few months, I will not be able to charge my PiP due to the transition of home selling/buying. The good thing is, I still have a 50 MPG Prius.
USB : on a different note, my second Torgue transmitter has started to fail ,with the same errors, on a regular bases so much that I can not use it. Any thoughts?
Well this is what we've all feared and observed when the ICE starts due to cold temps- it continues to drain the EV miles and burns gasoline too... the worst possible case.
I have a good experience with Kiwi Bluetooth. There may be faster, cheaper adaptors out there now but when I decided to buy it a few years ago, Kiwi was the cheapest that is not a clone.
I am still dumbfounded. If the ICE use electricity, it'll use 1-2 kW (to revv around 1,000 rpm) as seen on downhill above 62 mph. 700 Watt draw is normal even if ICE isn't even running. It takes about 500W to have the car on with the headlights. A/C and heated seats drew 200W so, things do add up. By the process of elimination(?), ICE must be consuming very little gas, enough to "self-idle" and generate heat for the cabin.
this is interesting for those of us who go for an ev drive after a full charge, but ice fires unintentionally and has to go thru warm up process. waste of gas an zero recharge provided over a few miles and 5 or 6 minutes?
Even then, it uses gas about two eggs, to complete the warm up. It is also mandatory every 124 miles to keep the ICE in good shape. If it is too cold for the battery, it is probably for the driver too. So, I think the set up is sound. Sure, it would be great to have electric dehumidifier to clear up foggy window. I think it is one of those "lower hanging fruit" that Gen2 PiP can tackle.