Hey everyone, I'm new here but have been reading this forum for the last few weeks since I bought my Prius C. I just have a few questions related to MPG that I can't find the answers to. When I fill up, I only get 350 miles. This is what I got with my 2012 Corolla. I figured I would be getting more than 350 miles in a tank on my Prius C. Is this normal? Also, I only do city driving but am only getting 40 MPG. Any ideas as to why this may be? Thanks in advanced.
welcome to priuschat! miles per tank means nothing since tanks come in different sizes. to help you with mpg, fill out the sticky on 'why am i geeting such low mpg' and that will help us diagnose your problems. more than likely, it's the way you drive, low tyre pressure and the cold climate you live in. all the best!
Hey, Thanks for the reply! I was asking about miles per tank because I thought I've seen stuff about people getting 450+ in their Prius C. So should the Prius C get 350 miles in a tank or more? I can't seem to find that sticky. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Are you driving until the tank is empty or filling up when the gas gauge is 'low'I typically fill up when I'm down to 1 bar on my gauge, or when the yellow light comes on, knowing I still have at least 1.5 gallons left. You also didn't provide any details on how you drive or if you let the ICE warm up in the morning, etc. Your Corolla had a larger gas tank than your C too. I could regularly get over 500 miles/tank in my previous Prius IV, and now regularly get 425 - 460 miles/tank in my v.
Thanks for the info. I typically fill up when I hit the one bar mark. A little info on how I drive and how little I know about the Prius C, or cars in general. I have no clue what the ICE is so I'm guessing I'm not letting it warm up, ha? I'm hearing that my low mileage could have something to do with the extreme cold we've had here in Ohio. I also live in a very hilly area which means I have to accelerate a ton to make it up hills. I've never been a speed demon but the acceleration difference between the C and my Corolla is huge, so I'm adjusting. I've done a bunch of reading on this forum and watched some of the how to videos. I think I'm getting the hang of how to drive the car most efficiently but didn't know if what I'm experiencing is normal.
Care to provide any tips? I think I'm doing everything suggested by others to get the most out of the tank so any help is always appreciated.
click on the forums tab, scroll down to GEN II and click on fuel economy. it's the last sticky by member cwerdna. and there are other helpful ones as well. these were all developed in the pioneering stages of the prius.
ICE = internal combustion engine. You don't need to let it warm up, except for maybe 30 sec or so, or if you have scrape off snow or ice. Generally, I always get in, buckle up, press the power button, wait a few seconds for the 'Ready' light to come then shift into reverse to back out of the garage. By the time I've backed out, the ICE starts up and basically 'idles' while I coast down the driveway and drive up to the stop sign at the corner. By then about a minute has gone by so the ICE is warmed up enough for an easy drive to the community gate, about a mile.
Oh yea, it's been super cold so it does always warm up for a while before I get moving. Thanks for the info.
Huh? Yeah...but ALL commercial Prius c's do have the same size tank. You can evaluate what type of mileage you are getting in comparison to miles per tank. Infact if you're hand calculating your mileage that's what you are doing. It's hardly "nothing". How much fuel your putting in every time you fill will vary, but I know I pay attention to how many miles I'm averaging per tankful.
The OP mentioned his Corolla but still was commenting on his miles per tank on his Prius c. As in "I'm only getting 350 Miles Per Tank On My Prius C". Your statement that "Miles Per Tank Mean Nothing"...is false. The only way to really gauge your true gas mileage IS by paying attention to your miles per tank. Coupled of course with how much you are putting in your tank per fill up. I think the whole reason the OP posted, was to get feedback about Miles per Tank in comparison to other Prius c owners. All of which SHOULD have the same size tanks. Yes...A Corolla and a Prius c probably don't have the same size tanks. But that doesn't mean Miles Per Tank mean Nothing. It only means that the comparison between Miles per tank of the Corolla and Miles per tank of the Prius c....is comparing Oranges to Apples. But again, I think the OP knew that..and IS looking for a comparison from other Prius c owners.
Most people...adopt a routine as far as when they fill up. So the fills are usually pretty consistent. Plus OF COURSE you divide miles by gallons pumped...which is why I said: "The only way to really gauge your true gas mileage IS by paying attention to your miles per tank. Coupled of course with how much you are putting in your tank per fill up."
it seems silly to me, and potentially dangerous, to run your tank out of fuel just to see how far you can go.
Are you purposely being dense? When or where am I or anyone saying run your tank out of fuel just to see how far you can go?
how else do you determine miles per tank? otherwise, you're going to get a different reading each time you refill. you cannot know the exact amount left in the tank if you don't, and you cannot know the amount after you fill. (unless you fill to the very top where you can actually see it.)
You are exactly correct. I was wondering if all Prius C's were getting 350ish miles per tank or it was just me.