I noticed the stock Prius Plug-in headlight assembly comes with factory tinted reflectors (see pic below). Can these fit and work in a non plug-in Prius? As far as I can. tell, it looks like the same assembly aside from the tinting.
Are you looking for a set? I got a mint pair sitting in my garage. I only used it for 4 months. I can help with installation as well.
Perhaps, I'll consider it. Just curious, what did you replace 'em with? I don't know how the blue ones would look on my Black car though.
Blue goes very well with any neutral colors (black, white, silver, etc.). It's the blue (e.g. blue emblem) on Barcelona Red, Sandy Beach Metallic, etc. that doesn't look too good.
He meant the light baby blue chromed housing found in all headlights in the 2010-11 Prius regular liftback. In 2012, they got rid of the blue color entirely in the regular liftback (just clear headlights) and made the plug-in headlights a much deeper blue.
Yes, my 2013 has very clear/chrome front headlights but I wish it was the dark ones like the plug-in Prius (pic in first post above).