My local dealer in Southern, CA got the 2014 models in. I went and saw them today. The silver trim looks great. The Sun Fusion yellow is not my favorite, but they are in stock!
You're correct...kinda strange but the SR definitely looks smaller. Maybe it's the stealth model which no one is supposed to know about? Just kidding....I hope .
Thanks! I WANT!!!! that a 3 or 4? and what's with the funny looking spoiler? Is this in the US? Hmmm This looks like Japan...
Gotcha! I did and found the Sun Fusion C color available for 2014 - with pictures.... "But dear - I'm buying the yellow C because your Fit is getting old. I'll sacrifice and take the yellow cause I know you don't like bright colors. You take the Summer Rain." Think this is gonna work on the wife unit??
The blue accent trim should have. been the 1st thing to go. Next the radial lines in the dash. Couldn't they have just cloned the mini or TT interior?
That's the touring spoiler which is standard in Australia and Japan. It's pretty cool actually... can be imported to the US (I have one now) and keeps the rear window much cleaner than the US stock spoiler. SCH-I535 ?
I have the silver and it is invisible in cold grey Seattle. Nearly T boned because the driver didn't see me in the middle of an intersection. Trying to find it in a parking lot is another real problem. Thinking of trading for Summer Rain.
Grey or silver is involved in a very high accident rate .Put some green decals on it and daylight running lights. <grin> H
I saw a yellow Prius C at the dealership last week while I was getting my Prius serviced. I didn't even realize it was a 2014. Someone was actually in the process of buying it. It does look really bright. I didn't look on the inside to see if the trim was silver instead of blue. I just assumed it was the same as all the other Prius C cars on the lot.
Do you have a source for this accident-rate report? One certainly might think gray or silver would be hard to see, for example; but the NYT, three or four years ago, reported a European study showing that silver cars had the lowest accident rate.