Good Evening, I just brought home my new "used" Prius V. I have been a Honda girl my whole life do I have gone to the dark side . The car that I got is nice but I am having to do a few clean up items on it. The first is done, stripped all the old wax, clay bar, and Zano job. Then the inside leather with Zano. Now I have an issue with foggy headlight lens covers. Both sides have the same issues. Does anyone have any suggestions on a fix for this? This is my next job. Thanks.
Whitening toothpaste works. So does Brasso. Oh, where's my manners. Welcome to the forums and enjoy your new car
There's a YouTube video of a guy restoring the cloudy lenses using extra whitening toothpaste, must be the extra bleaching agents lol. If you go that route, be sure to apply something with UV protection so the freshly buffed plastic lens doesn't oxidize and get hazy again. SCH-I535
Good suggestion. However, my bad....I forgot to mention that the fogging is on the INSIDE of the lenses. I have never seen the inside of a lens fog like this before. Moreover, what would make them do this?
The clouding is on the surface and is caused by UV rays deteriorating the plastic. The lens has two surfaces, so it deteriorates on both sides. If the lenses were more vertical, the inside wouldn't deteriorate as fast.
If there's visible moisture inside the lens, it could be the seal for the lens has deteriorated. I have no idea how you'd fix that.
There is no deterioration on the outside surface....none at all. It is all on the inside that is why it is very odd. The seals look good.
Interesting. It may be because of the reflector inside the housing. The sun only hits one side of my car during the day. So I only have one headlight getting a little cloudy and it seems to be on both surfaces.
I will check the seals tomorrow. I guess I am going to have to take the lenses out and see if I can restore them. what a pain in the butt.
I think if you removed them out of the car and used a hair dryer to dry them out, then find the vent or breather and cover it with your hand and blow into it to see if there is a hole or crack maybe you could then fix it. Not normal to be foggy on the inside.
Thanks I am going to look on Youtube and see if there is a video on taking out the headlight lenses. From there I will have an idea of how bad it is and can work on it from there. I will check to see of I have a leak in the assembly. I was wondering if the halogens cause condensation that would cause the fogging.
I used tooth paste on my 2005 prius and it worked great. just rub it on like car wax and wipe it off with a cotton rag like buffing your car after waxing. If the fog is on the inside of lense then you have another problem.
If you follow this link here, it'll show you how to remove the headlight assembly plastic cover. Good luck. DIY: How to black-out the headlights on a 2010+ Prius | Balancing Act