I've looked everywhere but cannot find a list of vehicles that will be taxed the $100 annual fee. Any help is appreciated.
It seems that only all EV vehicles will be effected. A PIP uses a gas engine as well as the battery: http://www.ncleg.net/Applications/BillLookUp/LoadBillDocument.aspx?SessionCode=2013&DocNum=2770&SeqNum=0
I'm an alien...I'm a legal alien...I'm a New Jersey man, in V. A. (per Sting) I probably should make a list of states charging EV's extra. Believe we always have here in VA strictly for BEV, I think WA does now (but WA gives huge incentive too) Plug_In America generally agrees BEV's should pay this fee someday, except they are hoping states would give a grace period and not do it yet as a mini-incentive at this early juncture.
I would not be surprised that the internet sales tax will put a dent in Amazons' business. After all, they have free shipping. What I tell local businesses happy with the online internet tax: if they want my business, offer free shipping to my house. If they resist free shipping, I shop at Amazon. DBCassidy
agreed, it's going to come down to the bottom line. certain brick and morter business' will probably go the way of the horse and buggy. if you don't need to see or touch it, it's easy just to go on line.
as I know, only EV owner will be forced to pay $100 fee annually. Do not see Hybrid or Plug-in Hybrid since still using gas. you can read on NC tax changes take effect Wednesday :: WRAL.com Another change that takes effect Wednesday seeks to make electric car owners pay more in highway taxes. North Carolina pays for its road construction and maintenance mostly through gas taxes. People who drive plug-in electric vehicles aren't paying any gas tax even though they're using the roads. So, as of Jan. 1, registering an electric car in North Carolina will cost an extra $100 fee in lieu of the gas tax to support the State Highway Trust Fund.
Virginia had a proposed $100 tax that was reduced to $64. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, signed a new law last month that lowers the gas tax for everyone, but slaps a $64-per-year fee on hybrid and electric car owners to help make up for what those drivers aren't paying at the pump. I'm not giving up my 2012 Prius Plug In for $64. When my neighborhood implemented curb side recycling, the county levied a less than $10 fee for those that participate to offset the cost of the program. Two examples that the wrong people are being tax? I'm a firm believer in conservation and recycling of resources. Whether right or wrong, these type of taxes or fees are a small price to pay for the good that driving a Prius or recycling do.
If you use the roads, regardless, of conventional fuels, hybrid, or BEV, you pay to use it. Revenue enhancements will continue to increase as governments decrease / eliminate tax incentives / breaks for BEVs, hybrids. Think of this in terms of trying to balance state, city, and Federal budgets. Something has to give. As long as the road tax goes to maintaining, rebuilding the roads, I think that is fair. Its' when the road tax collected goes to other non-road uses or a pols pocket that I have a issue with. DBCassidy
Don- In VA, I am thinking 100% EV's like Leaf already had a small extra fee, maybe it was $50 and went up $64 or $100. I wish I knew a 100% EV owner in VA to ask. As far as new $64 hybrid fee, there is a repeal bill up for vote soon so I am hoping it'll be repealed.
Thanks jdk2 for the NC Bill. PIP's are off the hook for now. Most of the rest of the replies are white noise, but this was factual. I had looked for the bill but could not find it.
It's pretty stupid to give tax credits and rebates to promote you to buy an EV then turn around and slap you with an additional fee for owning an EV. People apparently think that EV's pay nothing to drive since they don't pay for gas, but seem to forget that electricity is not free. It would almost seem like if they are struggling for money so badly a 1 cent per kWh tax raise going to roads and infrastructures would make sense, but then people not driving EV's/PHEV's will complain.
No politician will do what should be done, raise the gas tax, as many other countries have done. I'm not going to sell my PIP, but I thought the $50 hybrid/$100 electric car amendment was axed in the state house, so I'm surprised it came back as an electric car only tax. I will benefit from the flat income tax rate, so I won't make too much noise, but this is another deterrent to selling EVs in NC. Bill in Cary, 2012 Prius PIP 2010 Prius IV, nav, solar
I thought the same thing but somehow they managed to slip it in under the radar. They're sneaky. I expect that when this latest surcharge fails to garner any appreciable revenue, they're going to have to reconsider the gas tax increase. Though, that's been capped until Jun 2015
The hybrid fee in VA was total sneakiness. It had been deleted from the bill but the repubs added it back in at the very last minute (which was a total surprise). I believe it's possible the dems failed to catch the trick and then were not in a position to admit they did not know it got stuck back in there. At least a few key dems admitted they were fooled on it.