I bought a set for the frau for christmas... with a spare clear lens and all the extra cables... What I don't know is, what they can do, and how much she'll be able to interact when she finally has em on... If any of my fellow members have a set, clue me in on em before they arrive so I can help her get used to em more quickly. Thanks in advance Bob Jr
Are there pics? Do an unboxing picture set if you can. ...I for one welcome our new Borg implanted overlord! LOL
OMG! I googled "Google Glass" just to inform myself and try to address my ignorance about the product. Turn Away!!! Turn Away!! I don't want that type of technological integration. Granted, I still avoid having a regular Cell Phone. I should probably be in a cabin somewhere in the woods writing a manifesto. BUT... Really? We want glass's we talk to? Glass's that can instantly memorialize events in our lives "as they happen"? Glass's that can distract us from the events in the lives we are experiencing by telling us about the events we are experiencing simultaneously as we experience them? I'm sure they are wonderful.-- I drool in fear that we are very close to everyone walking around wearing them in some Semi-Adapted Technologically Assisted Reality. It's bad enough now, with people wandering around constantly ignoring the world around them as they chatter in a cell phone. I've lost this battle. But I long for the days when you could get lost. When you could experience moments and events in your life and have them sepia toned in only the recesses of your mind and memory. When you could bump into someone in public, and talk to THEM because they weren't on the phone talking to someone else. Google Glasses or similar products will probably be wildly successful. I can't help but think that's unfortunate.
Oh and don't forget, they should not be worn while driving, at least in California.. Woman fights ticket for driving with Google Glass
I'd heard all about them and then saw someone at my work (I don't know him really) at an event w/them on. We instead talked about EVs... A new guy joined my team and wore his Google Glass. I FINALLY got a chance to try them on and play w/them. To me, there is somewhat of a learning curve in terms of navigating the UI and the swipes on the side. It's not something that comes naturally, IMHO. Oddly enough, some folks in my group aren't Star Trek fans (I work in a tech company), so I mentioned to them the Borg and more importantly showed them stuff like this: the Jem'Hadar ships that had no viewscreen where you had to wear a Virtual display device - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki and the TNG ep "The Game": Ktarian game - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.