Taking delivery of my 2013 Prius 3 in Sea Glass Pearl after work today. First Prius and first hybrid. Really looking forward to driving this everyday. For the past 12 years, I have commuted with my wife, but a new job with different hours forced us into a second vehicle. She will be driving the 2013 Nissan Altima. Hopefully, I can learn as much here as I did on the Nissan forums. Jon
Thanks. My wife really likes the Altima. I traded an old one in without telling her and it broke her heart. Last Nov, I traded for the '13 and I was back in good graces again. Our original plan was for me to keep the Altima and her to get something, but decided that since she hasn't done a lot of driving she wanted to stay in what she was comfortable in. So, I got to pick the new toy. Will post pics in the future.
First Hybrid, First Prius. I would think you have the potential to learn a whole lot more here than at your Nissan forums. The usual Newbie instructional greeting is be sure to try the search function to find any answers before simply posing a question. There's a very good chance the answer already exists. Since it is something I oddly just like to do, I would also recommend a chair next to a fire, I nice warm winter beverage, and a couple of hours to read the Owners Manual. Mine is a 2013 Sea Glass Pearl Prius 2. I researched Prius and Hybrid for several years before finally making my purchase. Even with a lot of fore knowledge as far as expectations and reality, I was still impressed and surprised with the actual driving experience of my Prius. Yeah, I'm a little prejudiced, but you should enjoy ownership. It's a different experience than owning many, many other types of vehicles. But The Prius IMO is one of the most comfortable, quiet, and efficient vehicles I have ever owned. Enjoy.
I own a 2012 sea glass pearl. I really like it. It's a model two. Welcome. this site is very helpful and fun.
Welcome Jon. My brother and his wife have a Gen 1 prius ( they STILL have it ) and they came out to visit in 2007. I was so impressed that I bought a Gen 2 prius in 2008. In Aug. 2013 I traded my Gen 2 for a Gen 3 model 3. Great car.
Welcome to PRIUSchat!! You made the right choice!! YOU will fall in LOVE with your new 2013 Sea Glass Pearl Prius .
I really want to do a 3M window tint, but I know a few people who have gotten harrassed by the police lately. PA law is a little ambiguous on tinting but judges seem to stand behind the police. Have my Weathertech mats on order.