I don't know if the HDD menu is the same, but on the Display Audio system it is: Setup -> General, then scroll down and go into System Information. The Entune version will be in the format 2.0.1, for example.
Thanks for the fast reply! It does seem to be different. I see Navigation and Bluetooth also a Gracenote Database update and even a Map Version 21-11-24 (2011-06-01) but NO Entune version. I am signed up online and maybe when they update the HDD I will get am email from toyota Thanks!
One other thing you can do is register a complaint about the unwanted autoplay with Toyota Support. That way at least they may notify you if there's an update: Support | Toyota.com
For reference, here's another thread which shows current versions of the software in the Advanced PiP, which seems to be the same as in your Four: PIP Advanced Map Update | PriusChat
Anyone using Android 4.1.2 without problems with Entune 2.2 (and 3.1.0)? Any reason to avoid going to Entune 3.1.0 next time I go to dealer? My wife's LG cannot go higher than OS 4.1.2. For my iPhone 4S (iOS 5.1 and staying there) and my wife's LG, it would be nice to get away from Entune starting to play audio (unrequested ), which I understand going to Entune 3.1.1 eliminates that problem.
Toyota updated the Entune App on the Play Store to address the issue where the app crashes on Android 4.4.x.
Yup I got the update last night, saves me the hassle of rooting to apply the framework fix. Now I just need to update Entune to 3.1.0. Does the system prompt me automatically for the update or is there an update menu in the settings?
Got mine updated to 3.1.0 at the dealer. Loving it. The screen refresh is much faster and UI more responsive. It looks like the screen is now interlaced.
Did you have this done alongside of routine maintenance, or did you setup an appointment separately for this? Also, was this done free of charge?
I went in for the grabby brake issue and asked for the Entune update. It turned out, brake fluid was low in the master cylinder. Both were free of charge. So far, no issue found with my LG G2.
No success yet on my part getting the “fast” or “5 minute” update, but I do have an appointment now. I stopped by my local (Roseville) dealer as suggested earlier in this thread and asked for the update. The service advisor I spoke with told me it would take 2 hours and so I would have to setup an appointment to come back later. I politely mentioned I had heard the update only takes about 5 minutes but would be fine with setting up an appointment to get this done later. The service advisor seemed a bit annoyed that I brought up the "5 minutes", so I mentioned the Prius Product Manager’s (Erica Gartsbeyn’s) post on this thread. The neighboring service advisor overheard this, then chimed in that the service manager told him that it would be 2 hours, so that’s how they had to do it. It’s all fine by me, and I'm happy to wait for the free update. I just think how this played out in my case was a little funny, and how different the experiences have been with those who have posted on this thread.
I think They are thinking that it is the nav. up date which it is not, thats what my dealer thought it was! They were really happy when they found out it was a about a five minute update, and they do get paid by Toyota for doing it!
Since I have entune, but a Camry, I was wondering if I could get some help. I have gone to two dealerships and I was told I had to pay for the 3.1.0 update. I am getting unknown when calling or receiving a call. I was pissed when i was reading here that it is supposed to be free. I called Toyota and they told me the same thing. Is this just a free update to Prius? I was told that all usb updates would be a charge from now on.
I did look at post #74 before I went to the first dealership then reread it a second time before I went to the second dealership. Thanks will do.
From what I see on the web, it looks like your LG G2 runs OS 4.2.2. Hopefully my LG G Pro (E980) which cannot be upgraded past it's original OS 4.1.2 will work too. I have not upgraded her phone to the newest version of the Entune App. that I understand just came out. The Toyota site says her phone is compatible for all things except "Multimedia system will automatically reconnect following a disconnection due to loss of wireless signal." Hmmmn, if 'wireless' means loss of Bluetooth signal, that is no big deal. If 'wireless' means loss of "CELL" signal, that will be a bummer, because that happens routinely. Thanks for the report on the LG G2.
Dave, I have an E-980 and it works fine with entune. The app was updated a day or so ago and still works as expected.
jdk2, Cool thanks for the report on E980 LG. Are you running the newest Entune version 3.1 yet? (or still 2.2) And my iPhone 4S running iOS 5.1.1 is not even in the game because Entune requires iOS 6 min. (and I won't risk losing my WiFi and Blue tooth on upgrading my iOS ) Just have to coerce my wife to let me use her phone on occasion.