There is only a vague connection from the brake pedal to the slave cylinders. I would regard bleeding the brake lines as 'dealer work'. They have software to disable all the 'brake by wire' aspects. Most of the car is just like any car. This place is full of opinions, many of them informed and sincere.
So today I woke up started the car and let it run while I got ready. (very cold morning) Came to the car and found the CEL was ON. So instantly I freacked out a bit drove to work and afterwords drove to the original dealer I bought it. Got a hold of his mechanic and told him to run the codes and look at it with a semi pissed off face. Dealer was there also but he avoided contact with me. His wife came and started talking to me in a effort to difuse the situation a bit. Mechanic ran his little scanner and it showed 2 codes. One was P1151 and the second one was P1116. It had something to do with the coolant temperature sensor and something about the coolant tank? Anyway he bled the engine coolant to get the air out and he added coolant to the system cus it was very LOW (green coolant?). Coolant for the hybrid system was also below the LOW mark and mechanic said I need to buy that coolant from toyota or that is a special coolant. Mechanic reset the CEL. So I drove to the dealer and bought the orange coolant and parts guy said that both engine and hybrid system run the same coolant. I had a service guy from the dealership check the codes again and I filled up the hybrid coolant reservoir. No codes showed up when the toyota service guy checked it. He also ran the VIN and the car is up to date with all the recalls and such. I am not sure if the CEL will show up with the codes again but so far it hasn't since the mechanic reset the CEL.
I hope for your sake the coolant wasn't green. It's supposed to be pink (Toyota SLLC) for the internal combustion engine and for the HV inverter cooling system. Weird that you experienced a CEL so soon. I'd be p***ed too. Did you buy it from a Toyota stealership? Keep us posted.
Then you have a problem. You need to get the correct coolant ASAP. And - chances are that the cooling system of your car still has air in it because the mechanic did not know how to properly bleed it all out, which is a little more challenging to do on a Prius
Damn its te second day I had this car.......ok thx for the advice Any DIY on engine coolant flush ? That green coolant needs to be flushed out, it's probably everywhere. The car looked like it had a brand new radiator. Maybed they changed the radiator and put normal coolant on it? Cus when I went and checked for the Prius Hybrid coolant neither Oreily's had it and neither Autozone. Only the dealer had it fro $24 bucks a gallon.
That's right. Only Toyota sells SLLC. To properly remove all of the green coolant, you'll need to find a mechanic with the right tools. I don't know exactly what's needed but it's fairly difficult to drain out every last drop of the incorrect coolant. It shouldn't be that difficult to do but I'm not sure how much the new coolant and labor will cost you to make it right. Sorry that you've had to go through this. Wish we could have educated you about EVERYTHING there is to know, but it's too late now (unless you can get the dealer who sold it to you to take it back and refund your money).
Thx for your help and support. I will get a quote from the dealer and probably take it there. Do you think it may have done some damage? I got into it with the mechanic verbaly and he swore up and down that the car didn't have any problems or CEL until now.
Damage? Probably not. The main problem is the air in the system. However, the wrong coolant, if left in the engine too long, could result in some corrosion - and that would be bad.
Acording to the carfax report the dealer had the car since it had 54000 miles on it and now it has 55600 miles so withing the the 1600 miles I asume he changed the radiator and his mechanic put green coolant in it. I did see some white stuff in the green coolant when I looked at it though.
It's really unusual that your Prius would have needed a radiator with so few miles on it. Unfortunately, not all accidents are reported to Carfax. I'm not saying that your car was in one even if the Carfax was clean. But you can never be absolutely sure. Stealerships have been known to repair brand new cars that have been damaged on their lots, not report it, and sell the car as brand new without disclosing the car had been repaired. Again - I hope this didn't happen with your car.
Yeah idk nothing seemed like it was repaired or replaced but who knows. I am not a big fan of the dealers in fact they're little tactics piss me off and I am the kind of guy to harldy walk away without saying something. Anyway I am researching DIYs and service manuals on flushing this cooling system. Apparently there are three drain plugs, radiator, Engine Block and one of the water pumps needs to be enabled to spit some old fluid out.... still not clear on it though.
You might be able to DIY, but I'd leave it to a professional. I have no idea what would happen if SLLC were mixed with whatever green coolant was put into your car. Might not be a big deal, but are you willing to take the risk if the coolants were incompatible and you end up with an even worse situation on your hands? Check with a Toyota stealership first. Or send a sample of the green coolant to a lab to find out what its chemical composition is before you take the leap.
Before we freak out her and perform some unnecessary maintenance, lets look at this logically. The Prius ICE and ICE coolant loop is no different from any other car. You don't need special fluid. There is no hurry to change it, it won't cause any damage. Here is the quote from the owner's manual (I highlighted in red what I believe is key). The "green coolant may very well meet these standards and likely does. Additionally, the coolant in question is in the ICE loop and virtually has no necessity to meet these standards no more than any other engine. It is a good ploy by Toyota to scare you into buying Genuine Toyota stuff from the dealer but AC Delco, Ford, Mopar and others have been ripping people off for years by doing similiar stuff. "Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is used in your Toyota vehicle at factory fill. In order to avoid technical problems, only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or similar high quality ethylene glycol based non−silicate, non−amine, non−nitrite, and non−borate coolant with long−life hybrid organic acid technology. (Coolant with long−life hybrid organic acid technology is a combination of low phosphates and organic acids.) " Let's face it, there's nothing special about Toyota Super Long Life Coolant.
I am with you but I don't know what kind of green coolant is in the system right now. So better safe than sorry. I have an appointment at the dealership tomorrow for a full coolant flush engine and hybrid system. I still get P1151 code coming up once in a while with the message: "coolant path clog up for coolant heat storage system". I had it yesterday and today it went away by itself. Pretty sure the cooling system has air bubbles in it. I think a full system flush should do it. It's the holidays and I don't want to deal with it so I'll let the dealer do it. They want $240 bucks. It shouldn't be like this but.........
- I read about the coolant paragraph you posted and thx for sharing - Toyota coolant is fairly expensive, I payed $26 bucks for a gallon
Yep, just like AC Delco brake pads and Motorcraft Oil Filters or any "genuine" parts. Some people swear that you "have" to buy things from the dealer, others (aka me) believe there is an equivalent that's just as good and costs less and that the "genuine" thing is a ploy for the dealer to charge you more for the same product.