I have a regular trip which is 23.1 km (14.4 miles) return, all city and rural roads and traffic not dense, I usually make it all EV with some residual estimate on the display. Since it is very similar conditions each time (except for temperature), I have decided to log these trips, the results of 16 trips (from end October) are shown in the chart: The absolute numbers (distances) are of less importance as they are subjective, the trend is much more meaningful: for every drop of 10 degrees C I am loosing about 3.8 km (1.3 miles for every 10 degF drop). Data points are for 15 to 29 DegC (59-84 F). Is the relation linear on a wider range of temps? I don't know, probably not, however, for the range recorded - a linear regression fits well with 0.38 slope (0.98 correlation). EDIT: 15 Dec,13 See updated chart in THIS POST. EDIT: 29 Dec, 13 See further update in THIS POST
Giora, thanks for doing this. This is exactly that change I am seeing with temperature while maintaining identical routes.
Nice chart! Thanks! Would be at all possible to make the same graph in F and miles? Sorry, I am much too dumb to do the conversions.
Data points are for 59-84 degF as mentioned. More important than the distance numbers is the trend (slope) which is in my case and temp range 1.3 miles/10 degF drop (also mentioned). Frankly, I wanted to convey additional message: I think range estimate is an eye-catcher but still only an estimate and as such it is being over discussed and analyzed in the forum, so I wanted to put actual range which is more important to the driver, as an eye-catcher on the table for discussion
Wonderful data Giora. I especially like that the data points are virtually identical paths. I do believe the relationship to temperature is linear. However, other factors at colder temps may make the slope steeper (HVAC, road conditions, etc)
nice work, thanks! i have gone from a high of 16.5 prox. to 12.4 prox. over a temp drop from 90f to 30f. don't know how linear it is, but if it's like yours, about .7 miles per 10 degrees. it would be great to see somebody with a scangauge watch battery temps while doing this.
Are your 16.5 and 12.4 miles estimates or actual on the road? Obviously the estimate is 'lagging', when temp drops my actual is lower than estimate and it is higher than estimate in temp rise.
those are actual, and of course vary a bit because, even tho the route is the same, everything else changes. the estimate is similar tho.
Temperatures dropped last 2 weeks so I have added 7 more trips, down to 8 C (46 F). Linear regression still fits nicely (R^2=0.975) although third order Polynomial fits even better (R^2=0.988) I have included both curves in the chart. Notes: Parking is outside and charges were made close to trips (at about same temp as trips). I have tried to keep conditions as similar as possible, trips in rain, very heavy traffic or very light traffic were discarded.
heard you got a bit of the white stuff over there! great study, any way to superimpose miles and farenheit for us pea brains?
Correct, but only at 500 m above sea level or more (nice 2 ft in Jerusalem). Nothing near the sea where I live.
To the requests of bisco and markabele I am attaching the latest chart in Imperial units. Enjoy winter driving
. Just keep in mind that 20 C. =. About. 72 F. Of course one can just search temp conversions, nowadays. . Same thing for miles and kilometers , the magic #. Is 5/8. 50mph. =. 80. Kph or .625 x 80. =. 50 . Nice effort Giora, TY . I am inthe process of experimenting with slipping a 12V heater under the cooling vent inlet. So far all I have determined is, maybe, each charge will return to its max number, in my case 13.9. Can anybody give me an idea of how the back seats come out?
some of those terms make my head hurt All I know is my summer range of 17 is now 10.4 in 20 degree temps and I don't like it !
No A/C or heating on all these trips. The 84 F trip was in exceptional dry weather and done with no A/C.