I sold my really nice Gen1 to a lady friend about 10 months ago. The few months I owned it, it was fairly trouble free and all I did was have the dealer replace the whole rack and pinion steering assembly on an old recall (no cost). Also change the OEM battery to the Yellow Top Optima. Now the new owner has ask be to look into a problem she is having with the head lights coming on after she leaves the vehicle. It appears that this is just the head light and not the tail lights, so I would say that it has something to do with the daytime running lights part of the light control system. She tells me that when she turns them off each time it happens, they come back on again when she closed the car. Since this was running the 12v battery down, she has been disconnecting the battery at the neg. terminal. So that has erased the OBD codes and history. I now had her drive the car to my shop and I am waiting to see if the lights come on. This seem to start happening when our weather got cold, into the 20s and 30s. Not sure it hat is a factor. But today has been in the hi 40s and the lights have not come on since the car was turned off. Now, I'm going to go out lock the car and turn the alarm system on to see if that has any effect. I would be interested in others experiences with this problem. Steve
I don't have the info your looking for but would you mind elaborating on the recall info/details on the gen 1 rack and pinion. SCH-I605 ?
This is off topic but to answer your question I will refer you back to my last response and posting on the steering rack and pinion question, got to New Rack for 2002 Prius??? | PriusChat. I will add here that the recall extention expired a year ago and I don't know if they will still honor any current and future recall claims. Even when I got mine done, they never treated it as a recall but as a courtesy service. However you could look back thru my post on this topic and see if your vehicle ever did qualify. Steve
Going by the letter they sent me, the warranty extension will expire 31 December 2013: this month. It did not cover all possible problems with the steering rack, but was only offered to people experiencing the torque-sensor-induced, wet-dog-steering-wheel-shake. Anybody having that particular problem should check into it, soon. -Chap
Thanks Chap, This is the last chance to remind other Gen1 owners to follow up on this recall extension. Since I have been out of touch with the Gen1 group for a year or so, I haven't been following these threads. However, I am glad you and others in this group have kept better track of my earlier research than I have. I would appreciate and recommend that you or someone active in the Gen1 group bring this topic to the fore front in a seperate post. I don't mean to pass the buck but I'm no longer that active in this forum. Steve
I have two 2001's can I just call the dealership and find out if they have been taken care of. I would assume they just need the vin#.? SCH-I605 ?
The dealer might be willing to do this or you can sign into the Toyota site and for about $15 you can look up as many vin's as you want over about a 10 day period. Please read this thread all the way through to post of Nov 13, 2013(I think) about my visit to the dealer. steering gear jitters | Page 3 | PriusChat You might want to print out some of the referenced material. It might help if you mention that both your cars have exhibited this problem, if they have shuttered at all. Steve
There are no DTC that would be associated with this, so you don't have to worry about the fact that the 12V battery was disconnected. I would look at the relay which controls the DRL because it is probably intermittently sticking. If you don't have the electrical wiring diagram for that model year, go to techinfo.toyota.com Good luck replicating the problem and figuring out a solution.
I'm not subscribing to techinfo.toyota.com now. But I have access to a full set of manuals. I think your correct that the DRL relay may be the problem. Unfortunately that is DR3 and is hidding back under the dash on the drivers side. Now the question, Is there procedure for disassembling the plastic face components for the Gen1 ? I'd hate to start pulling and prying and break something. As a side Note: I'm really impressed with the way the Gen2 interior trim and dash is assembled. Once one knows the sequence, it is only a matter of a couple screw and just snap it apart by pulling in the correct place. I recently showed my 10 yo grandson how my Gen2 came apart. He thought for sure I was destroying the car. But I had him put it all back to gather and ask him not to do that to his mother Gen2 but to just remember, just in case Ha Ha. A fun Grampa Day. Anyway, let me know if anyone has any recomendation on how much of the dash I need to take apart to get to D3 (DRL relay). Steve
I think you will find that the Classic dash panels are fairly fragile so don't be surprised if locating tabs break off during the removal process. Hopefully the manuals will give you advice to reduce the likelihood of damage to the plastic.
I located a DRL relay in the D3 relay block under the hood so I am changing that out. Since this is an intermittent problem that I have not yet observed myself, it is really a "Crap Shoot". I the relay is a high current one and when I checked Napa it was about $75 so I just exchange it with a heater relay of the same part number. Now I'm thinking, if that is bad relay, we will never know when it turns the heater on while the car is unattended, or until the battery is dead again. I have two Gen2 parts cars here and according to some online research there are a couple of these relays in the Gen2 but no info on where are located. Not in the main relay block under the hood, I already checked that. Steve