dorunron I am pretty much sold on the car. But yeah I know another toyota dealership and hour away that I could go to. I don't think it will be necesary any more. Tomorrow if everything goes well I'll sign final paperwork, take the car home, help the wife adjust to it and then ask for a sandwich. And then I'll bug you guys for DIY stuff. lol
Nice looking Prius. Looks like the 15" wheels and covers to me, probably not a Touring. But does have the fog lights, which pretty much means the HID upgrade on the headlights. If you have any doubts, take the one hour drive to the other dealer and have them check it out. Most places you can return a car in less than three days and cancel the deal. After three days, you are stuck with it. Just curious, how does it handle in the snow? No snow here, so zero experience with a Pri in snow. Former snow bunny here ... Best of luck to you and Congratulations!
Thank you very much. We drove it quite a bit today before we went to the bank and signed. It drives really well and the battery shows constant 80% up or down a line or two. Yes they are 15 inch and the spoiler looks stock to me. I drove it a bit in the snow and is very stable. I actually talked to other owners before I bought mine, and they said its really good in snow also. The bad is the low clearance of the car in thick snow.
For the record. When the MFD shows all eight bars (green to top), then the battery is 80% full. Also when it shows pink (one bar on bottom), the battery is only 40% full. Toyota designed the system to allow the battery NOT to fully charge or discharge to make the battery life longer. Sounds like you got a good one. As long as the heat is working good, and everything else works properly I would say you got a good one. Read up on maintenance needed at 100K on the clock. Not much stuff, but what is needed should be done. Also, don't hesitate to drain and refill the transaxle. Flushes are NOT needed. Just a drain and refill. Best of luck to you and congrats once again.
I will do that thanks again. The heat works really well. I am still trying to figure things out. Definitely new to me. The SKS system is not working on mine. I do have to plug in the key and then it will start.
Look under the steering column at the base of the dash. You should see two buttons down there. The one on the left should be for the SKS, push the button one time. Then the SKS should start working for you. Let me know if that works or not.
Ok, that tells me the car has the SKS system on it. Try pushing the button I described. Then let me know if the Prius will enter Ready Mode without the key in the slot. The key needs to be inside the Prius when you try to enter Ready Mode. I am referring to the button on the bottom of the steering column. I will explain the square button later... Refer to post #27 for more info on the button under the steering column. That turns the SKS system on and off.
Sounds like you got if figured out then. Good for you! Amazing what the dealers know, versus the owners... If you have a owners manual, take the time to read it cover to cover all 3XX or so pages. Now that the SKS system is working, this is what you do. Keep the keyfob in your pocket at all times. When you go up to the car, touch the inside of the front door handle. The door will unlock for you. Note: Drivers door, only drivers door unlocks. Passenger Front Door, all doors unlock when touching the inside of the handle. Once inside the car, close the door. Foot firmly on brake pedal, then push the Power button one time. Ready should appear on dash. Drive off when ready. Don't forget, the transaxle will only shift out of P when you have your foot on the brake. And also don't forget to push "P" on the dash when you want to put the transaxle into park. When you park, power down by pushing the Power Button again. No need for foot on brake. Exit the car, close all doors, and then push the square button on the door handle or the rear hatch. All of the doors should lock. I only shared this since I said I would explain the square black button later. Enjoy the new to you Prius and again "Welcome to Prius Chat"!
This is the default behavior, but it can be changed, if you want the driver's side to unlock everything.
Yup, I agree with that 100% All of that is covered in the owner's manual. Lot's of stuff in there that is very helpful to understand the beauty of the Prius.
Thank you for the warm welcome and for taking the time to explain to me what's probably explained smewhere else. I will do that. Much thanks to you sir.
I will read the owner's manual thank you. I haven't gotten to the point to read the owner's manual. The car did came with it and a couple of receipts when the service was done on it.
There are many here on Prius Chat that will share information. That is what makes this community such a valuable resource for all Prius owner's. Also if you use google, you can find answers to many of your questions on the Prius. The search function works good also here on PC, just make sure you uncheck all of the boxes. If you don't find what you are looking for, try a different keyword. 99% of any problem you might run into has probably been documented here on PC. Enjoy your new Prius and best of luck to you.
If it is overwhelming, John has a nice guide to get you started
Ok Thank you guys I have been reading on the first link and will get to the second when I am done with that. Every car I had I worked on it myself. My main use was the car's shop manual and the forums with people that could relate to the problems I had. Every car has it's little ways and tricks on fixing stuff on them. I discovered mountains of information on these cars plus ebay is full with used parts also. And to think that three weeks ago I thought that the dealer is the only one that can touch them. Boy I was worng. I'll be arround this forum. Thx again.