I live in southern central Oklahoma and we got our share of ice and snow this past week. I drive 75 miles round trip (all highway) and had no problems in the snow. What makes me look good and others look bad is when they call in to say they can not get to work due to the road conditions. I know they just don't want to drive in it but I let them know that i made it in a prius. People percieve the prius as weak and not able to face a challange. The look on peoples face when I tell them my prius made it is awsome. Granted, it is not Chicago weather.
The only problem I've ever had with the Prius and climate is the low ground clearance. Generally speaking small front-wheel-drive cars do OK in the snow if it doesn't get deep enough for their feet not to touch the road. The people that can't make it through the snow and ice are usually the morons that think that they're immune to Newtonian physics because they have large 4x4 trucks....and they're usually the ones that you see bottom-side-up in a ditch during a winter storm. I had to drive my truck ONE TIME in 3 years (during the last hurricane) and charge off the mileage, but that's the only time I've had to leave the Prius parked except when the aux battery went TANGO-UNIFORM. If a Prius can't get you there? You either need to build a road or wait for the plow trucks!
My first Prius was a 2006 and I now drive a 2010, so I've been driving one for a few years now. We have some pretty snowy winters and I've yet to face a condition which my Prius cannot handle! Of course, I do have good snow tires on it in the wintertime. I've often referred to it as my little Snow Machine. I feel more confident driving the Prius in snow than any other car I have ever owned. And Yes. People are amazed.
With out being too boastful, I'd say I've never felt unconfident in snow or ice driving any vehicle I've ever owned. With some preparation, chains, weight, common sense, I've felt confident in everything from a 1970's Corolla to a Rear Wheel Drive small Pick-up. The reason I avoid driving in snow or ice, is the many other idiots that take the road and have no idea what they are doing. Of course, where I live, the snow or ice is usually pretty temporary, so I think there is more of the general populace that is just unfamiliar with how to handle it. But that doesn't mean they won't try.
yup i have been driving 100 mile round trip in snow covered/icy roads here in UT and have been just fine!! it amazes me how all these AWD and 4x4 people drive like they have no clue.. dont understand why so many people buy these cars/trucks yet still dont know how to drive in snow.... then here comes a little Prius blowing by them.
Meh...: The other side of the coin is to just stay off the roads for the first day. Sure you can make it, but the odds of being in an accident are much higher. Maybe you're ok, but it's a crowded road. I'd second the lousy ground clearance issue, too.
Ground clearance like many other sedans is restrictive in extreme conditions. But if you have a job to do.....
I had errands to run today, we just got home. 150 mile round trip in a snow storm. The deepest we saw was around 2 inches, and it was all dry powder. Most of the trip I was able to hold at 70mph. The only problems we have seen previously, has been when the pack is deeper than 8 inches and lifts the undercarriage. Once there is no weight on the tires, you lose ability to move. Of course, I am not in Chicago. But for folks here in Northern Maine a Prius is fantastic.
UNFORTUNATELY I am an EMT at a casino and we have to be there 24/7. I have 13 hour shifts that starts at 6:30 AM and ends at 8:00 PM. So I have to be on the road at 5:45 but with snow and ice, I had to leave at 5am before the snow plows get to work. We don't get to much bad weather so we are not equiped to handle it. But I do agree if you don't have to be out in it then stay home.
Come up to Minnesota where we have ice all winter and get snow on top of that. Fun stuff to drive on. I'd never think of taking my Prius out in the snow & salt, or rain for that matter but I do drive rental Prius up here and they handle excellent. Camry Hybrid is another excellent winter car. Anyone know how the Swagger handles in snow? Mike
There is a reason that I no longer live up north. I want to stay away from all that fun winter weather
I'm looking forward to seeing how the Prius handles a Chicago snowstorm. My xB was lowered 3.5" and was amazing in the snow, shockingly. So far, my biggest complaint is the MPG hit when it's 1-3degrees outside.
Yea I have been driving in 15 to 20 Degree weather for a week or so and I am getting about 38. Not to bad
I'm at about 31mpg running average these past two weeks, but heck, it was -9F last night. A one mile drive to work in that stuff will kill any mpg goal.