Getting 30ish MPG. Help?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Fuel Economy' started by GodLovesMyPrius, Nov 26, 2013.

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  1. vskid3

    vskid3 Active Member

    Jun 23, 2013
    2005 Prius
    You said at the beginning of the thread that you've gotten as high as 66MPG. Was that over a whole tank or one trip? What is your overall average?
    I accelerate at least as fast as traffic most of the time and usually go at least the speed limit. When I drive on the highway, I at least keep up with traffic (about 65MPH around here). I floor the accelerator several times each tank. Most of the time, the only people who would get mad at my driving would get mad at anyone driving sensibly. I average 60MPG in the summer. Kind of sad that you barely beat that while having an angry parade behind you. Driving the way you do is more self centered than keeping the flow of traffic moving smoothly. Ride a bike if you care that much about the planet.
  2. JollyGreenGenius

    JollyGreenGenius New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
    Burlington VT
    2006 Prius
    Unfortunately my commute consists of some very hilly roads, which is poor for my fuel economy. The average is over a whole tank though, which I don't think is too bad considering the terrain. I also notice you live in Texas so you may not be aware that in a colder climate such as what mine is a good portion of the year your fuel economy goes down. I would ride a bike to work but my job requires me to haul equipment back and forth (I am an alternative biologist doing research on some organic farms). I think the work I do offsets negative environmental impact of my driving. I do feel just awful about having a commute that causes my emissions to suffer.
  3. GodLovesMyPrius

    GodLovesMyPrius New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
    Los Angeles
    2010 Prius
    Thank you guys for your support. I'm sure you know denouncing my Faith to our Lord was a sarcastic joke. I'm still a believer, and proudly have my Jesus fish posted on the back of my Prius.

    Is is true if I use Premium gas in my Prius that it will increase my fuel efficiency? I'm figured that higher quality gas is better for my engine. So I filled it up today with 91.

    So after reading that excessive weight will harm your MPG I complained to my mom and she says she will take out her gardening supplies out of my trunk and seats tomorrow. She has 4 bags and some tools so I should have a 215LB weigh reduction! Can't weight to see what type of MPG i get tomorrow.
    I'll try to drive 25MPH everywhere to achieve maximum MPG.

    God Bless,
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