I was really watching the road, but I think it was 198km/h. You can read this as well (it is a bit outdated on some of the information regarding the operation of the HSD, I had the car since a few months, but it should give you an idea): Driving the Prius 2010 on a German Autobahn… « Prius 3 experiences from Europe or here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-fuel-economy/72711-driving-prius-2010-german-autobahn.html I usually drive around 130km/h-140km/h on the highway. Sometimes I stretch to 150km/h. I can drive (legally) as fast as I can on several stretches of the autobahn. But honestly, the Prius is fast, but it is not designed with speed in mind. Buy another car for that (and pay the fuel for it... )
I suspect it is probaly a good thing to push the engine to its limits once and a while... 115 is fast for this car.... enjoy
I think i hit 95mph on the way to Arizona once (Hwy 40). It was totally on accident though. Was just following the flow of traffic and realized I was going that fast. It was also on a downhill portion of the road.
I was driving through Michigan on a road trip this past weekend when I was passed by another Prius. Before I knew it, we were both cruising along next to each other and I looked down and realized we were going 90. I slowed down mostly because out of state plates seem to attract the state police attention!
140 mph with the speedo pegged. :cheer2: ... oh wait, was this about the Prius? LOL, my wild driving days were over long before i bought my Prius.
I've taken it on several trips down the 395 in northern California, where it is one lane in each direction. On more than one occasion, I have ended up behind a truck doing 50, so I would switch the Prius from ECO mode to Power, punch the accelerator, and go around the truck as quickly as I could to get back into the right lane. I have hit the high 80's a couple of times.
I've driven her about 105mph and I would say that's around the power limit on a flat surface for gen 2. She stayed there and was content traveling over 100mph but I have to disagree with some other posters here about being smooth or smoother than other cars perhaps if compared with econo cars. My range rover was much faster and more composed at higher speeds -- the Prius backend starts to get jittery. Take any jag/bmw/benz for highspeed travel quality vs Prius. However I do think I was getting like 20mpg at 100mph so that's not bad. DROIDX ?
106mph here. I didn't feel like pushing it any more because I don't have a back-up plan something happens to this car. I always joke to people that "I've gone 106 in this baby. Of course I was going down hill and had a 30mph tailwind"
"My" Prius is a company car so.... No Comment. I can neither confirm nor deny any direct or indirect knowledge of Priuses or any Prius-like car that I have driven on or off company time being driven in any manner that would be contrary to the safe and legal operation of a company assigned vehicle.....
I've only coasted up to the low-90's down freeway mountain passes in the 2013 Prius Model Two. IMO, the springing and damping are both too soft to take it up much higher without risking catastrophic chassis upset if something unexpected is encountered in the curves. (Been-there-done-that, never wish to repeat it again.)
Early morning driving the Gen II a few years ago, was passed by three Audi TTs obviously travelling together. No one else was on that stretch of I-95 south bound in South Carolina. Moved up to 75 mph to keep up and have a look at the TTs. A few miles later, while my wife worked away on a small laptop in the passenger seat, the TTs had slowly ramped their speed up to 107 mph. That's when I mentioned it to my wife. She hadn't even noticed to that point. The car handled it very well. It was sunny, there was no wind, temperature in the lower 60s, the road was smooth, level, and empty, except for the 4 cars mentioned. I think the Prius could have gone faster. The car had a whole 5,000 miles on it. I believe it was January of 2006. Indicated MPG at that speed was hovering between 39 and 42. I thought that was the most impressive part of the occasion. Extremely glad that no state troopers were there to record the event! I normally drive with traffic when travelling and try to keep it sane, but I have to admit that the 10 minutes or so that I stayed with those TTs was pretty interesting. I'm sure the guys driving the TTs were wondering about the Prius tag along, too.
I swerved around a raccoon at 75 mph and the car handled excellent. No understeer or oversteer, it just turned when I needed it to Now as far as speeding in a Prius, I have run triple digit speeds for several miles while traveling in Michigan. The car handles excellent at speed. Mike
I have had the rental Prii well over that and they handled excellent. The car can handle over 100 mph easily but I can't recommend it as the ticket for that speed in Minnesota is nasty. Mike
Think I tapped 90 in my Prius once, but not nearly as fun as a high speed taxi down an active, or full engine run at 06:00.
When I was younger and the moderator for the suspension mod and racing forums on IS300.net (now my.IS), I used to organize mountain runs and cross-pollinate with other car clubs in the region. Back then the Supra forums used to organize an annual sports car meet in West LA that was pretty huge. One year they got 500+ cars, including many exotics, including Cobras (Shelby), Cobra R's (I believe they were extremely limited production), R32 GT-Rs (yes, RHD), etc. It would then culminate with a mountain drive. Of course, you might suddenly realize that a mountain drive with 500+ cars is really a mountain traffic jam. A couple of us IS guys endured in this altogether terrible sports car drive... until we got to the first rest stop. A lot of us got the idea that we were not going to be stuck in traffic any longer, and set off early. I got in with the first 10 cars (AFAIK, if more didn't go ahead). I remember an NSX and an e36 M3, the latter of which I was immediately behind. We had a lot of sportbikers with us on that run. The pace was fast. We dropped out of the mountains and into the rural valley north of the Santa Monica Mtns. (I think). It was straights punctuated by obtuse-angle turns on a two lane road. We followed the bikers as they blazed ahead, cornering curb-to-curb-to-curb at the cusp of triple digits at the apex. Until I hit a bump at the apex (on the far oncoming side of the road). Full destablization and wild chassis gyrations as I slid toward the outside of the curve. I think I sucked up one breath. And then the car caught, literally inches from the soft dirt shoulder that would have probably flipped me. Damn right I was done running for the day. And I had the worst migraine that persisted for the remainder of the drive. That experience led me to some of the most extreme overcompensation in suspension that somebody on the amateur side of things might have resorted to. (But now that I have the Prius, I can possibly put all that back in the IS now. ) (Also, the Cobra R that I took special notice of ended up wrecked behind an Impreze 2.5RS. A sportbiker was killed when he ran into the back of a car.) Dodging things is one thing. But there are things you simply can't dodge becuse you don't see it. Lessons not to be repeated again, at least for me.