Project Manager/Design(so to be Architect) at a small Architecture firm specializing in modern residential work. RT of 80 miles plus site visits a few times a month.
Retired truck o/o, usual trip was 4800 mi. and got 1300 mi. on fillup, still like going a long way between fillups so Prius works well.
Own a retail candy store. I spent 25 years, however, as a geologist working in environmental consulting, so that continues the trend of scientist and other tech that I'm picking up in this thread. That and military!
I work for Royal Dutch Shell on Europe's largest refinery. I get 20% off the gas price as a Shell employee. (FYI: gas is $US 8/gallon stop complaining!) On top of the high gas prices we have to pay road tax as well. My previous car, a Mercedes E-class turbodiesel, cost US$ 200 a month....whether you drive it or not. The government wants to promote "green" cars, so we don't have to pay road tax for a Prius (depends on CO2 emission if and how much you have to pay) So, by buying a Prius, I save US$ 250-300 a month. I know better things to do with that money.....a nice culinary meal every now and then or a day at the spa.....other hobbies.... Next week I will be installing 3640 Wp solar panels on my roof....more money saving.... But no worries: I have 3 studying daughters, so it's already spend before I save it.
Good lord.. US $8.00/gal in Europe. If it were that expensive here i think half the people who drive would STOP! Which may not be a bad thing
I.T. Consultant for small and medium sized businesses. I basically work out of my car logging an average 15,000 miles per year. I have been doing this for 18 years and have logged over 110,000 miles between my current and previous Prii.
I see a lot of IT people. Some people are afraid of new technology or think the Prius is ugly. I actually think my hatchback Looks good. When they first came out, it was unknown how we'll the technology would be but after so many years and such a great reputation and hybrid warranty. There is nothing to be afraid of. I love the great gas mileage. My wife has a 2012 Camry and my Prius has some higher end options like push button start and other stuff. Also is more relaxing When driving. I I used to pass cars all day long. Now I just cruise.
Dilbert. I can relate all too well with his job. (I'm an information engineer with over 20 years of experience.) In fact, it's scary how similar circumstances are for me... though, it can be rather amusing at times.
Ipad went nuts. Wanted to reply to $8.00 a gallon. I hope the cost of living is not higher then your income. But I will make sure Europe is not on my retirement list
I was stationed at camp Pendleton back in 1981 for 4 years. Was just a couple miles from town. Nice area
I got caught up in the apple cult. Everything is apple except my computer. Can't afford a Mac. Used to build my own computers but it got cheaper to find another hobby.
Retired National Weather Service Meteorological Tech after 40 years of service. That involved anything weather related 24/7, so fairly complex work and always kept me problem solving. Loved it. Allowed me to live in all 4 corners of the U.S. for several year stints. Did an 8 year tour in the Air Force (initial part of the 40 years), also in Weather, and for almost 5 years got to live in southern Germany. That was an incredible job, with incredible people and looking back, feel extremely fortunate to have survived that portion of my younger years! Have always enjoyed driving small frugal cars. That started when I was just starting to drive. Grandparents bought a second hand MG 1100 as a second car (a box of a car, Mini like, with a unique "Hydrolastic" suspension). One of the ugliest cars that I totally fell in love with the minute I drove it. That lead to a series of small, fun to drive cars through the years. The Prius lured me in with the great mechanical technology and the 50 mpg capability, and turns out to be the largest car that I've owned. Now in second year of retirement, very much enjoying my regular hours (sleeping at night is nice!), and especially having weekends and holidays off with family. When not working on the house or grounds, I'm generally staying active road and mountain cycling, with alpine and cross country skiing taking up the frozen part of the year here in Maine. So that technical/military trend continues. Hmm. Interesting.
Steve terry: The Prius was $50k new and that was not so bad because of taxation on the Prius is low due to it's low emission. My Merc was $100k.....for a midrange E-class.... Houses are also smaller and more expensive, but they last longer: brick instead of plywood. My wife is from PA and she likes it here, living here also has positive things. Wine and beer are better and cheaper here.....