I thought it would be cool to see what jobs prius owners have. I have seen a thread on age but not job. The reason it poped in my head was that I live in a milatary town and normally see camaro's and other muscle cars. But yesterday I saw a solider driving a prius.
I just retired from the Fire Department after 24 years. Was in the Marine Corps in my younger days. Now I am an Emergency Medical Technician. I drive a 2013 Prius III
I am a security guard right now, but in Dec I'm starting a new job as a Coca-Cola merchandiser, driving around to stores and stocking soda products.... hence the need for a Prius. Windows Phone ?
I did 20+ years in the Navy, mostly on submarines. After I retired, we got land in the woods on a river, where I have built a house. Now I am an organic farmer, producing an assortment of veggies, honey, maple, pork, eggs, poultry, herbs, etc. We are in the process of going off-grid [photo-voltaic for our electric and solar-thermal for our heat]. My wife commutes to a job in the city. We want to reduce our consumption of petroleum and lower our monthly cost-of-living. So the Prius made sense for us.
As a firefighter, I have made many many runs to Republic paper plant here in Okla. Always a 24 hour or more fire. Did not like it at all. Missed more then a meal or 2.
Technology specialist in a large school district. We have 90+ locations to keep up and running so my car is my office.
Retired from being an electronics bench tech. My Prius is my pleasure use summer only car ;-) Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Retired office manager for an international trucking company (37 years) Now , people say I'm a dreamer ....... Loving my 2012 BP ,
Biological laboratory technician. And hobbyist adventurer and photographer primarily pursuing backcountry (esp. technical backcountry) and urbex photography. Those trips are far and long. Something of interest: the parking lot of our research facility is packed full of Prii, mostly 2nd and 3rd-gen Liftbacks. They are rounded out by a couple of PiP's, V's, C's, and even the odd Insight. They comprise about 1/4 of the cars, which is fairly amazing given the wide-ranging makes of cars available, not to mention the wide range in vintages (i.e. a lot of people tool around in older cars, even jalopies). There is currently no Volt nor Tesla (no recharging facilities). The facility-mobiles are Ford Escape Hybrids. Yes, the fact that many scientists (who I would characterize-as-a-whole as rational technophiles) chose Prii was one big reason I decided to consider it. (The other reason was job-practical: I didn't want to scream "Look at me and my flashier car!") Doing my research, and now living with it has revealed that it was a supremely wise choice. If that's "smug", I'll opt for "smug" any day of the week.
^^ lol.. I bought a Prii for one reason.. to save money on gas, i have a 100 mile round trip commute daily to work. What i ended up with is a car that i actually like and appreciate. I love tuning heads with a few mods i have done (i cant wait till summer when i do wheels and drop it) its just fun to think i spend a lot less money then the average Joe driving around and pollute less. It suites me for what i need from it and more. Very happy!
Freelance photographer in LA (honda element) getting his real estate license hence the prius. The car should hold a fair amount of gear and gets 2.5X+ the gas mileage. It looks sharp and the perfect car I think! Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
I was trained as a Petroleum Geologist and Exploration Engineer, went back and got a Masters in Mechanical Structural Engineering, got a job in Customs as an engineering specialist, worked as a consultant in aircraft and spacecraft air frame and space frame construction specializing in stress and aging. For the next 23 years, I became an engineering "legal technical analyst" with the US Department of Justice in Patent and Trademark litigation as well as warranty and accident analysis. Retired in 2000, I opened and operated a specialty scientific and engineering development firm specializing in prototyping, which I would down in 2008 to become more of a hobby than a business. I made small and short run specialty products in my personal machine shop.