... you read about stuff like this. Imagine if everyone acted like this all the time? SF Morphs Into Gotham City for "Batkid" Battling Leukemia | NBC Bay Area Thanks San Fran for making me smile
I guess I am the only one who thinks the costs associated to perform this wish could've helped out a lot more people in the Philipines. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
Everyone has the right to devote their time, effort, and money to whatever charity they desire. Thanks for the snark.
We need to lookout for our country before other countries. We can help more then one charity at one time. That child and family needed a ray of sunshine in thier life.
No snark was intended. If there was, I apologize. Everyone has their right to devote their time and effort as they choose. I have my right to an opinion. I made it. The post title speaks of faith in humanity and I don't see it in a grand event that benefits so few. Please ignore my counter opinion as you see fit. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
I did not take it as a bad comment. Yes you have the right to your opnion and it is not wrong. Your caring more for one thing more then another is what makes every group able to survive. I have helped out with bombing victims at the Murry Building in Oklahoma and hurrican victims in Mississippi after Katrina. I have seen first hand how everyone comes to help in thier own way. Bottom line is, everyone is getting help from someone that has a heart.
This event didn't benefit just a few. I uplifted the spirits of the 12,000 people who volunteered for the even, and probably the entire city. It probably did the same for those reading about it.
Actually? I guess I'm one of the "few" people that benefited from this event. I spent the morning of 30 August, 2005 the same way I spent the morning of 22 September, 1989......cleaning up after a pretty bad hurricane. In the months and years that followed each event I can not recall thinking "I sure hope that the Make-A-Wish foundation doesn't spend a whole lot of money on a five-year-old kid's wish!" Yeah. There was a lot of time, effort, and money poured into this event...but did it really just help one person?