I am looking to buy a new car should I buy a new one or an old old one would be fine for me. I am still learning driving.
When I lived in NV, I bought used government vehicles for the teens to learn in, they were fully depreciated and often had push bars. As an example, Public Surplus: Auction #1023418 This guy is the most honest used car salesman on the face of the planet. Every defect he lists, there is a picture showing you the damage. Obviously you would need to be near OR to go pick up a junker like this. Public Surplus: Auction #1025686
No point having a fancy new car if you don't know how to drive it. Of course, this seems to apply to many people....
Learning drivers of any age are more likely to have accidents. Whether that be an actual collision with another vehicle or jumping a curb, hitting a pole in a parking lot, that sort of thing. Get a beater car to learn on. A used 2004/2005 Prius is relatively cheap nowadays, and probably already has these dents and dings that routinely accumulate over time.
Buy used, make your mistakes on it, if you dent something, so what? buy a fancy car after you have a few years practice. If you buy new you'll have to worry about every tiny little thing.
I agree with the consensus on used. If you are a new driver, that is going to also be your first couple of wrecks. Count on it.
Another consideration is that you'll appreciate a new car that much more, after you've had a used one. It will be cheaper to purchase, although your repair costs will likely be higher.
I have always looked for and found well maintained used cars that have with little a DIY given me thousands of miles with no payment. The key is to become a DIY mechanic or at times a used car can eat your lunch. Parts are mostly cheap and you get to buy tools, it is the labor. I just picked up a commuter which gives me my 5th car in my garage, I know but it was a no brainer. Bought it with 139,000 miles for $2,300. Changed ATX fluid and plugs and have done a once over and all seems good so far. Also with the lease deals out there those can also work for many people that do not do their own work. My two sense, price as charged. TomK