Greetings! My partner is looking to use our prius as a learner car, problem is that there isn't a hand brake I can use in an emergency. is there something I can install to allow some kind of dual brake control? Thanks!
Search the internet for Dirvers Ed car modifications. Years ago when I was thinking about starting a driving school I know there was a kit for the Corolla but nothing for the Prius, but then the Prius just came out.
Unless he/she is learning how to "Drift" or "Rally" , why would a hand brake be necessary. If it were a manual transmission and you were attempting to master hill starts, then I could see the point.
I would practice in empty parking lots or roads first and start slow. You shouldn't need to apply the PARKING brake, which could possibly make the situation even worse by locking up the back tires. I would only use the parking brake to try to stop the vehicle in a true emergency where the risk of rolling the car outweighs not using it.
My son with permit drives my prius. Ya, that hand brake think is a bummer, there was once a situation when I could have used it, but fortunately the other car did break in time. One can press park, but it's not the same thing.
I rode with 5 of my kids when they were learning to drive and never felt a need to use the hand brake. An air sick bag or ejection seat is a different story...
Faster than parking lot speeds, a parking brake isn't going to quickly stop the car in an emergency and might worsen the situation for a new driver by inducing an unwanted skid (only works on one wheel). If the OP is that worried/concerned about the new learner, a proper driving school (and car) is in order.
Good point, my son did the whole driving course driving simulation on PC with wheel and pedals (old Sierra software) and school driving ed before I let him drive my car. He still froze a few times when braking was required in the real life.
I'm old school and hold that everyone that can should learn to drive in a car with a manual transmission. Listening to the engine RPMs, selecting the correct gears and feeling the clutch develops better drivers.
Well if there was only more Dad's like you LOL While you quite correct it's becoming increasingly rare to find many adults that know how to drive a stick shift. When I was a school bus driver our old Band Truck was a stick shift and only a few of us old time drivers could drive it as all the school buses now are automatic.
A hand brake won't really stop the car. What's needed are pedals in parallel in the passenger's side so there's an actual brake to stop the car like back in driver's ed days.
I totally agree! with you. I made the comment to BZzap! to explain why the OP was looking for a E-brake or a kit for brakes on passenger side.
Agree! Rental cars in many foreign countries are usually manual transmission and manuals are also more efficient in my experience, so many reasons to learn to drive a stick shift. (But I am similarly old school.)
My wife and I specifically chose a driving school for our son that uses only 3rd Gen Prius. We want him to experience a good hybrid as his first driving experience. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Mike, does that driving school,in any way specialize or alter their curriculum content to teach the fine points of driving and operating the Prius?