hello people, I am from australia where the prius is not yet widely accepted. I purchased a 2008 nhw20r at auction. the red warning was on. after taking vehicle to local dealer, who advised the inverter assy required replacement, i purchased a s/h unit and installed it. the fault codes present before and after doing this were p0a08, and p0a09. suggesting the dc-dc converter or sensor wiring was at fault. after more research i looked at factory wiring manuals to find this wire was not even present in the harness. the aux battery is new and charging at 14v. can anybody help?
Have you tried clearing the faults? as from your post it is not obvious if you have or not. Is the sensor wire you are talking about the smaller wire that goes to the 12 volt positive battery terminal? The battery charging voltage looks to be correct at around 14 volts.. John (Britprius)
sorry, this is the first time i have used a forum of any type, but it was a good decision. the clue you gave me saved me from giving up on this car, especially after being quoted $6000 to change (a hidden and unlabelled) 50c fuse by a local dealership. Thankyou very very much John.
$6000???? That sounds more like extortion. Keep reading all the helpful tidbits here and you will likely be saved from such practices in the future. There is much to learn about keeping these cars running well, but it is available info and generally applicable by a competent DIY.
Do you recall which fuse you replaced? I don't see it in the public forum and I am having the same problem after replacing my inverter. Thanks