Oh how I wish that our 2010 Prius had a regular key instead of the smart key. I lost one of the two smart keys recently. I think it got thrown out with the trash. Just replaced it at the Toyota dealer for $345 without the metal key. If I could leave the smart key in the car while it is parked in the locked garage in the basement, it would help eliminate future possible problems with me loosing it. According to the service department at the Toyota dealer, I can leave it in the car without worrying about either the smart key or the start battery loosing power. Is that true? I tried searching for the answer, but didn't find anything. Thanks
Concur! Toyota didn't really think the whole "Smart Key" thing out very well. I've heard several times that if you store the fob in the car (i.e. while in the garage) it can drain either the aux (12v) or the fob battery.....but I haven't confirmed that myself. I've heard stories about people jumping out of the car at an airport with the keyfob and leaving the remaining driver fobless. We've also had people where I work get their keyfobs lost or stolen, leading to Toyota shanking people (like you) out of hundreds of dollars for a replacement. I'll bet that your dealer also said that you can't reprogram a used FOB too....didn't they? That's one of the many reasons that I'm a Toyota driver, but NOT an owner. Here's "what I would do" Get a spare KeyFob with the metal keylet cut for your car. Tie wrap(or otherwise stow) the metal keylet to some exterior place on your car. I've seen people put them in some pretty interesting places. Just make sure that YOU can get to it when it's rainy and dark, but the average bear won't find it. OK. Now take the battery out of your spare keyfob and stow it some place in your car in a non-obvious place. Mine is tie-wrapped it to..... Well....you guess! You can start your car with no battery in the fob, and it will not affect your aux (12v) battery. Now.....if somebody steals your purse, or your 2-year-old grandaughter hides your [sic] "smart" key? Your Prius doesn't become a 3200# lawn ornament until Butch the Tow-truck driver arrives on the scene. Good Luck!
Just leaving the FOB in the car will not power up the car. It would not be any different than walking around your car or sitting in it without pushing the power button. It would be a theft risk though, I'm not sure what your insurance would do if the car was stolen with the FOB in it.
I know what they would do. They would cover the loss. If your car really is stolen? How could the insurance company prove that the FOB was inside the car? I routinely leave my car running while I exit the car briefly at a store. If it gets stolen? I still have the Fob, right? My beloved company can fuss all they want to, but a. I don't live in a demilitarized zone. I leave all of my POVs unlocked much of the time. b. People don't usually steal Priuses. c. It's not my car. There's a BIG difference between what insurance companies SAY they can do, and what they can do in real life, which is why so many insurance commissioners get rich!
Here in CA people can be issued a citation for leaving their car running unattended like IFO a store or their house. It creates a hazard as some kid or criminal might drive off with your car for fun or otherwise.
I think the smart key is the best thing that happened to modern automobile in a long time. I find myself grabbing my house's door knob and wonder why it does not unlock on its own. A few points: Any modern key would be pricey to replace, regardless whether it is smart or not. Remote control, engine immobilizer chips cost money. Keys are not meant to be kept inside, too close to the vehicle. I garage my car at night but I take my keys inside the house to a designated place. As ETC(SS) pointed out, there are ways around it if you have a special application, and need the key to be kept inside of the vehicle.
Running or booted up? When I leave "my" (company) Prius as indicated before, it tends to be booted up and running, but not RUNNING since the ICE tends to be shut down....which is a hybrid advantage. So....in order to be in violation in the People's Republic does the car have to be "running" or just have the key left in it. Seems to me that a G3 can be capable of being driven off while neither running nor having a key left in it if it's just powered up......as happens occasionally. I think that such a law would have to be carefully written....or remain UNwritten. It's clear that if you OWN a car, then you have the responsibility to deny access to that car for a crumb-snatcher to drive off in, but a criminal? How do you define "unattended"? How far do you have to be away from your car? How do you prove or disprove that the car was booted up if somebody takes it and you still have the "smart" key in your fingers when LEO arrives? ....Lawyers....
7 hybrids over 10 years owned by our 3 person household. 14 keys and have never lost one. sure, it could happen, and i wouldn't be happy either. but i love my smart key and would hate to give up 3 door sks, nevermind smart key.
Somebody knock on wood for all of those people who have not lost their Smartkey. I love my Smartkey. The only thing I don't like is that the car should shut down, or maybe just honk a few time, if the key isn't inside the car while running. I've taken my key with me when valet parking. They aren't happy about that and have to come looking for me. And the reverse is just as applicable, when the valet returns the car to you and forgets to give you the key. Stuff happens. Mike
My smart key is in the car 95% of the time. All of it in a locked garage. It will not run down the car batteries. However, it may reduce the life of the smart key battery which is very easy and inexpensive to replace. I don't use the touchy-feely features, I like the buttons.
Yep. Been loving it for almost 8 years now. My '13 Leaf also has basically a similar system, but it's Intelligent Key, in Nissan parlance. Love it!
Leaving any key in your car, smart or not is plain dumb. Why risk having your car stolen or messed with by a prankster? Not sure why handling a smart key would be any different than a non-smart key. I always handle my smart key as I would a non-smart key and have never left any key in any car I've owned. If you leave the car running while stopping at a store, even with the key in your pocket, anyone can just drive off in the car. Once the ICE is shut off, they can't restart. But is a car thief even worried about that?
Yeah...I get that....but every time I see somebody paying more than $10 to get a key fob replaced I can only think: "P.T. Barnum was right!" Granted....if you've never EVER had a purse stolen...or a two tear old throw your fob into a toilet...or a similar situation, then yeah. I guess it's a "smart key." I was hoping to answer the OP's question, which I believe I did.....and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one in the universe that agrees that more intelligent fob systems out there exist.....or at least some of the other OEMs don't shank their customers for hundreds of dollars for a new key and/or fob. You do it your way. I'll do it mine.
Maybe I'm just old fashion (or just old) but unless I'm undressed (sleep, sex, shower, etc.), My wallet with my drivers license/ID and my keys are always on my person. These days I can say the same about my smartphone too. Those are items I never lose and never will unless I'm held up at gun point or unconscious. Some of us have just developed certain habits that have successfully gotten us through life so far and having a "smart" anything hasn't changed that. Most people I know have a pocket or purse that they utilize in pretty much the same way I do. I think everyone has the ability to develop good habits, some just choose not to for whatever reason. Maybe I'm missing the point and I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone. I do have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren (1 lives with me) and all visit on a regular basis. Some things are lost and somethings get misplaced but never any of the items on my person. Just saying..
Funny I feel EXACTLY the same way when I use my wife's Chevy Venture. I go to push the button and say "Oh I need the key, how quaint LOL". I think the smart key is great. I also think the thing where you use your foot to open the trunk on some Ford models is great also.