I'm getting a Blue Streak Metallic, so I'm going with Jolt, like from Transformers. More than meets the eye!
Sounds like you named it after a tangerine?... Mine is named after a bug so no judgement on my part...
Yup! I mean, how tough of a name can one of these get? lolol "Aoi Semi" sounds like a fitting name for the car. I named my past black BMW 1 Series "Bean," because it looked like one of those black beans you can add in/on a burrito/bowl at Chipotle. hahaha
I love naming things! My first car was a '79 Celica that I named Celia, from the Simon & Garfunkel song. My next car was an '86 BMW 325 that I named Beatrice after the character in Dante's Purgatory & Paradise. Originally I was going to call my Prius C Yugoslavia, because it is small and red, but vigorously independent. But some friends told me "that's a pretty big name for such a small car." So I decided to go with Boris Badenov, because... small and red.
We named/personalized ours to go with our backyard chicken hobby. Peck Yeah: The Yolkswagen Eggconomy Car. Or just Peck. We were at the Toyota dealer yesterday to get our last free maintenance cycle as "new" owners. They had a big coffee table book in the waiting area, "The Book of Names." It mentioned that Toyota made up a bunch of custom chrome badges as gifts for people who entered the car's name and backstory on a website. I wonder if there's another volume in the works?
It's silver, and the registration number spells out the Urdu word for "potato" so... "silver potato".
Mine got too close to a lightning strike. Had to have it towed in to the dealer. Cost insurance 9K to revive it (I paid $250 deductible!). I now call him Lazarus.
For 20 years, between 1996 and 2015, I hadn't given my vehicles any names (temporary nicknames do not count of course). But the red C has been Lil Mila from Day -2 (I named it 2 days before buying it). As a comparison, the white Bolt that we inconvenienced ourselves with was called kEVin, as a pun, while the likewise white F-150 is Earl "Bubba" F (inspired by its tag that begins with URL).