I got an expired meter ticket today when I was parked in an area where I'm supposed to get free parking with my green stickers. What's the best way to dispute this?
Is there a sign that spells out the parking regulations for that area? If so, take a photo - perhaps you can send it in along with a copy of your green sticker and dispute the ticket without going to court.
The only city I know of that offers free meter parking in the LA/OC area is Hermosa Beach. What city were you parked in?
Since this is an obvious issue where you live as even the article talks about, I'd fight it in court. I mean, that's about all you can do, proving you had what was required such as up to date decals etc. But with articles out about this, if you had known about the issues, I'd be feeding the meters anyway to avoid wasting time in court. Unless time is on your side during the day/week then heck, fight it all the way, you deserve to win this IMO.
Santa Monica does have free parking for cars with green stickers but only for the max time allowed at the meter. If parking is restricted to 2 hours and you stay over 2 hours then you can still get ticketed. There is someone at City Hall that you can contract who will take care of wrongly issued tickets but I have no idea who that is.
Issued a parking citation incorrectly? This gentleman will resolve it for you: City of Santa Monica Parking Enforcement ATTN: Sergeant Philbo Rubish (310) 458-8950 [email protected] Santa Monica is the only city that honors this exemption as of 11-7-13