haven't logged on in years, but loving my '05. First time I have seen this and can't find it in manual or knowledge base: Started up with smart key in my pocket....everything normal except a dash display of a key with a line across it. Stayed on for a minute or two, then went off. Anyone?
First thing to check is the FOB battery. It may be on the weak (discharged) side. Try your other FOB, if you have one.
Tnx.....that was my guess.....I'm ordering CR2032 batts tonite.......but funny this doesn't appear in the manual.
It sure does. Page 7 of the manual has the icon. It is the "smart entry and start system warning light". The decode of the light follows starting on page 24. Basically your fob was not recognized for a couple minutes. As mentioned above, the most likely cause is that the battery is low enough that normal things in your pockets/purse are just marginally making it not detectable. Then the light comes on. Once your battery reaches 2v you will get 1 beep from the inside system telling you your battery is about to die. Replace the battery as you're doing and all should be good. Have you not had to replace the battery in 9 years?
I'm seeing this warning light too. Just replaced both batteries in my fobs today, and when I push the power button, the warning light comes on and the car won't start. Tried putting the fob into the slot and no luck there. This just started happening about a week ago, I thought changing the battery would fix it. Any suggestions?