We bought a used 2012 Prius v, came with just one key. Dealer told us a second key costs $500. Any one know a way to pay less? Thanks!@
try other dealers. you should be able to find one for $350-400. and don't lose the one you have in the meantime, or it gets a whole lot more expensive. all the best!
I agree with Air Boss. As far as I'm concerned it's the dealer who should make sure you receive two keys at no cost to you. Not your fault there's only one key...why should you be liable to pay for a second?
It's useful if you put your location in your profile so that you can get specific help. I'll assume you live in California and could then get this one for $149. Other new ones are on ebay for $250-$350 but you have to find someone with the equipment to program them to your car.
And that's the issue -- the dealer should have provided the original second key and or a new key and programming.
It's clear I need to back to Hackensack Toyota, NJ, dealership and request either the original second key (which they apparently do not have) or a new key and programming. Do I have any leverage? Thank you, all, for your advice here.
Especially so if this was a Toyota CPO vehicle, in which case I would bring it up to Toyota Corporate (as leverage).
Do you have leverage? Sure. If they flatly refuse, tell them you'll do 100% of service/maintenance with them if they comply. If they still flatly refuse, NEVER do ANY business with them again. Find another Toyota dealer. And write a comprehensive letter to the dealer president staying why. I had the opposite issue. Sales dept would not " deal" for our new 2014 Prius V5. I called the service manager, and asked him to rate me as a service customer. "He relied a perfect 10", because I have 2 Toyotas now that I have all the service done as required. Sales Manager called back and knocked off over $1,000 more. Deal!
Thank you, Cape Codder. We have gotten nowhere with this. I need to escalate. Does anyone know the address/phone of corporate Toyota? Thank you.
You bought a used car. Where is it written that a car must come with x number of keys? Just because it is still under corporate warranty? I don't know of any such requirement. Now if a customer asks before the sale, then they have leverage. Another concern is there is someone running around that knows your car and has a key that can operate it and all its functions. The problem you may have is that the used car sales, the parts and the service centers are probably separate profit centers and no one wants to eat the cost. I've negotiated across profit centers when buying a car...things like I get to buy any accessory or part at cost for two weeks after purchase. The GM signs it and the parts guy has to honor it. But ask the parts guy to discount the key fob and the service manager to eat the time for one of his techs to program the key after the sale and expect resistance. Seen the same issue with smart keys on other brands and the quote you got seems reasonable compared to some of the prices I've seen. If the car was a trade in, ask nicely if they could call the previous owner and ask them if they kept the key? Really no cost to them that way. Good luck.
I want an extra remote for my V, then bought from $bay at under $100, then took it to my dealer who agreed to program it for free but they just couldn't and they showed me that on the back of the fob are the slightly different numbers from the original. I returned and exchanged for the exact numbers on the back cover but again, the dealer could NOT program it! My dealer asked $300 if buying from them. BTW. I know the dealer manager for years, so I believe him that it can't be programmed because the second time he went back with me and tried to re-program but to no avail. BTW2. He also told me that he can not cut the key that requires the laser cut machine that he doesn't have. There are so many versions of the key fob on $bay at much lower prices but so far they do not work for me.
Yes, it is a Toyota Certified Pre-Owned PriusV. How do you believe that may impact a second key? Thank you.
If it's a Toyota CPO vehicle, Toyota Corporate has more skin in the game to preserve the reputation of that program.