Re: It REALLY REALLY works! Fine point about how having a solar moonroof is not a cure all for hot interiors. I believe Toyota says that the automatic interior fan will not operate if the external temperature is below 75 degrees. Thus, it would make sense that, even if the switch is officially turned "on", that the interior of the car could bake just due to the amount of sun/windows the car is exposed to. I always leave the switch "on", and let the car do it's thing, since it's not going to operate if the conditions arent applicable.
Don't think it's necessary. The car will go to max cold (or hot in the winter) for the first few minutes after the car is turned on. The Remote A/C is on a 3 min timer so theoretically, it should blow cold air regardless of temperature setting. What I do want to know is if there's a difference between ECO and normal/PWR mode when Remote A/C is activated. We know ECO mode reduces heater or A/C output (so max in ECO is slightly less than max in normal or PWR mode. Just play with the ECO button and listen to the fan speed. The fan icon on the display won't change but the speed will) I highly doubt that. It was only 65 yesterday and my fan was operating (not full time, mind you but the interior was definitely cool). Because I'm so far north, the sun can be pretty strong in the spring even though the air temperature is relatively cool. You can get a stuffy car with temps only in the 60s.
I finally used the remote a/c switch today. Temps in 90's. Parked car under tree (not extremely shady but some relief). I was able to turn it on from other end of parking lot and got at least a minute of a/c. I felt there was some relief.... Or maybe just optimistic???
As long as it feels like the car has only been parked there for 10 mins rather than an hour in 90°F temp, you're fine. It's not supposed to be icy cold. It's supposed to be at a comfortable temperature so you're not sweating for the first 5 mins and the A/C isn't draining the battery, trying to cool the interior down.
What are the actual dimensions of the opening of the sunroof when completely open? I've heard it said they opening is big, just curious how big. Thank you
Inside opening or outside size of the glass? I can check mine with a tape measure real easy tonight. Mike
Mike, I am curious of the physical opening to the sky as you're looking up from inside. Someone said it was convertible like, so I'm curious how convertible like? Since one of our cars actually Is a convertible. If the sliding glass panel is larger than the actual physical opening, that would be interesting to know also. Thanks
I'll run out in the garage right now and measure the inside opening with the roof open and outside glass size of the moonroof panel. Be right back... Mike
So it appears huge but really isn't. Moonroof glass size is not exactly rectangle so it measures ~ 44" wide and ~ 21" front to back. Inside it is a smaller opening of ~29" wide by 13" front to back. Mike
It's a good forum. I just like to help others as I was asking questions back in 2010 and almost up to the day I got to order my car in 2012. If people would have given me the newbie brushoff, I would not be on here today. It is nice to have a informative forum with very little bullshit to put up with Mike
Thank you for the dimensions. My 2005 Hyundai XG350's sunroof opening is about the same at 27.5" w x 13" deep ( but it is a full size car). I assume that the underside/inside of the glass roof has a cover to block the sun rays, right? We don't actually use/open the sunroof on the Hyundai, so I expect it might be the same on a (new to us) Prius. But the auto venting feature (and cool look of the glass roof), does sound worthwhile. I guess the 'Remote A/C System' is an option, so may or may not be on used Gen III model Threes, Fours and Fives. (I'd definitely like to have remote A/C)
Yes there is a manual sliding sunshade inside. It slides very easy with one hand. I have the remote A/C but have not tried it out yet. Maybe next summer if I can drive my car more often then I can try it out. I think I only drove 100 or 200 miles all summer as I was traveling in rental vehicles mostly Mike
The Remote A/C comes with the Solar Panel Ventilation System so it's not an additional option. The SPVS and Remote A/C are not available on the Five.
Tideland, You are saying that Remote A/C ONLY comes with the SOlar roof package on Regular Prius's? I would have sworn I have seen Remote A/C listed on some of the regular Prius's (maybe even used, but not sure) with no mention of Solar sun roof. Actually the ONLY Solar sun room I have run across is on a used 2010 Four on Craig's list. I am also considering a 2013 Prius Plug in which says it has Remote A/C and does not have the Solar roof.
On the regular Prius? Yes. But as jdk2 said, it is available on all plug-in Prius trim levels. (Plug in Prii do not have a solar roof option). Ensure you're not confusing Remote A/C with the "remote engine start" option which is a dealer-installed accessory and is the same feature found on any regular car.